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Your Point Of View

The look in his eyes sent chills down my spine. He walked over and knelt down in front of me. With his dirt stained hands he grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to meet his.

"Now, do you want to know why I needed you alive? Why I killed your parents?" He whispered, smirking.

I grunted as his grip on my face tighten. I tried to look away but he firmly held my face in place.

"You know, you were supposed to die that night and daddy dearest was supposed to live." He whispered with a sick grin stretching across his face.

"Oh sorry, he wasn't daddy dearest to you, was he now?" He spat as laughter like sounds erupted from him.

It took everything not to lunge at him and rip him to shreds. His face contorted to one of not caring as he held the cloth up to my face. I leaned back but the wall was in the way.

"Well it all turned out well anyway. I'll just use you to tame a demon instead."

Just as the sickly scent of chemicals invaded my senses I jumped. I lunged towards him and tackled him to the ground. The cloth and sac falling to the ground.

His moss green eyes shone with surprise then darkened as a malicious look took hold of his face.

In an instant blood started to cover my hands as it flooded from his neck. With shaky hands withdrawn and eyes widened I looked at him. His face turning red as blood trickled from the conners of his mouth. 

Quickly I stood up from where I was on him. The nail imbedded in his neck stuck out.  His hands reached to grab me and as he tried to speak blood gurgling in his throat and bubbling out.

Soon his arms fell to the ground  with a slapping sound. The look on his face turned blank as he slowly bleed out.

Once I breathed the breath I didn't know I was holding I started hyperventilating and took a couple steps back falling to my knees. The blood on my hands seem to come alive and haunt me, tell me I was a monster. I had just killed someone and I was lost and I didn't know what to do.

I got to my feet and started running. I ran down stone corridors lit by torches. After twist and turns I eventually found a rotting wooden door with a busted lock. I pushed the door open and had to squint due to sunlight.

When I finally looked around I was surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers. I was in a forest.

I started running forward hoping to come across a familiar road or something. Soon my running turned to struggled trudging as my vision started to blur.

Soon I felt grass against my cheek. Before long my eyelids shut and I drifted off to sleep.

My Heart Is Yours  (black butler, ceil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now