11~Prepation for the ball

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Your Point Of View

"Well you see... The queen has decided to throw a ball. You have to attend as part of your duties...meow is your work going." Ash said with is usual calm smile on his Ivory pale skin.

Sebastian and Claude narrow their eyes at me. Drowning me in golden yellow and crimson red. I gulp and smile, my irritation at seeing people this early in the morning clear in my (e/c) eyes.

"Fine, nothing to report." ,I sigh and look in ashes eyes. (E/c) clashing with greyish move, "I'm not going."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are and that's final, no complaining, it's her majesty's request so I'll see you there. It's tomorrow night and you have the next week off." Once he was done rambling he walked out the door, his white tail coat lifting slightly. Just before he exited he spun on his heel and addressed all of "you will all be their."

Soon after a awkward silence and me getting irritated I walked up behind them. I placed my hands on the rough material of Claude's attire and soft monstrosity of aloise's clothes and pushed them out the door shushing them as I pushed them throw the door. I did the same with Sebastian and ceil.

"No entering my office before ten, you's know the rules." I stated, venom dripping from my tone.

I slammed the door shut. With a satisfying crack of the marble sure ding the doors dark wooded body. I walked over to my seat and sat down. My head landing on some paper work as I groan in frustration. I can't believe I have to go to a bloody ball.

-time skip next afternoons-

"I-I can't b-b-breath!" I yelled in pain. My grip tightening on the oak posters of my bed. My breathing got heavier as the corset was the tied shut. My boobs being pushed up and looking twice as bag as they actually are. At least I look like I have an hour glass figure.

One of the maids helped me into my dress and let me say it was stunning. It was black and white. The sleeves were short and it was ankle long. The bottom had white ruffles and the top had a black bow. It was absolutely perfect.

As the maid helped me dress I couldn't help but be slightly depressed. Neither aloise nor ceil asked to escort me to the ball. They had their moments were they would stutter and blush trying desperately to say a complete sentence. But in the end they just walked away looking like tomatoes.

I sighed agin because I've apparently been sighing a lot lately. The maid was applied make up then left. I looked in the mirror and gasped in horror. what the hell. I look like a clown. It's way to heavy especially for my (s/t) skin. I rubbed it all off and redid it to near perfection. I then left my hair out but with curls here and there (forget it if you have curly hair) and put a head band on. It was lined with small Dimond look a likes. I had a real Dimond earrings and necklace on. To say looked amazing was an understatement I looked absolutely stunning.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards the ball room. But from behind me a black gloved hand grabbed my wrist pulling me backwards and landing in someone's chest. I looked up to have my eyes meet with his.


My Heart Is Yours  (black butler, ceil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now