16~Kiddnapped part three

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Your Point Of View

What do I do?

What do I do?

What do I do?

This phyco maniac is holding a knife to my throat.

I gulp as I look up to meet his narrowed violet eyes staring into mine. My eyes immediately start searching the room for some sort of escape. I heard him chuckle darkly as he started pushing the blade against my neck.

"You look so pitiful, it's pathetic. I don't see what any one would want in you. To bad I need you alive." He said as he withdrew the blade from my neck.

He got up and left without another word to me; not even sparing me a glance. Once he left my breathing slowed down and I became aware of the warm liquid running down my neck and chest.

I don't know how long I waited around there; just sitting doing nothing but racking my brain for a way out. I glanced at the wall I was leaned against and noticed it was brick and in the far conner there was a big rusty nail hanging out.

I slowly rolled my way over to it. Being carful that the chains that bound my ankles didn't rattle to much. I brought my hands up and rubbed the rope against it. I hissed as it occasionally cut my hands instead but after fithteen or so minutes it finally fell to the ground.

As if of their own accord my hands flew up to my neck touching the blood and making me wince as it stung.

I started fiddling with the shackles trying to set my ankles free. I quickly grabbed the nail. I pulled and pulled it. I could feel it digging into my flesh. With a jerk it finally came out.

"Come on, come on." I desperately whispered as I tried to pick the lock on the shackles.

With a click it finally came undone. I tried to stand; with wobbly legs. I wobbled my way over to the darkest Corner of the room and felt around for a door. Finally feeling the rough wooden door I tried to pick the lock yet agin.

Bang bang bang.

I could hear his foot steps from the other side of the door. I quickly ran back to my spot and pulled the shackles under my dress along with my feet. I held my hands behind my back, clutching the nail in my hand.

The door opened to reveal the man with a little white cloth in one hand and a sac in the other. He smirked at me with a truly vile look in his violet eyes.

"You look scared, why is that? Where gonna become the best of friends aren't we? Little girl."


My Heart Is Yours  (black butler, ceil x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt