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We got back at around 9:45 to set the living room and the food.

After a couple of minutes the bell rang and I knew it was Daniel.

The guys seemed super excited and happy to see him. I'm glad about that.

"This is Alex, and his sister Sam." Beau introduced them to each other.

He smiled and gave each of them a hug.

"And these are Bethany and Lea" he continued.

"Yeah, I know them." He stopped, raised an eyebrow, then smiled.

I gave him a weak smile and sat on the couch next to Bethany.

"How's Steven doing?" She asked.

"He's great."

She smiled and we opened the pizza boxes and dug in.

"The last time I saw Lea, she left without a goodbye. Isn't it rude to walk away like that Lea?" He laughed.

He wasn't being mean, but I just didn't want him to mention it.

I don't want Jai to think that he had the power to make me feel vulnerable.

"My head kinda hurts. Excuse me, I'll go home and rest for a while. Nice to see you again, Daniel."

"You too."

"Lea" Jai followed me to the front door.

I turned around to meet his eyes.


"You don't have a headache, right?" He seemed worried.

I walked away and left to my house without giving him an answer.


I had made my self a sandwich and took a shower. The rest were still at the brooks' watching the movie.

I got into bed and grabbed my laptop. I signed into my wattpad account, that I had recently created, and checked my notifications.

After that, I download a couple of movies from utorrent and left my laptop on the floor till the next day.

I placed my head on the pillow and forced myself to sleep.

But then my phone started ringing.

"Yo gurl" Jai spoke.

"Yo bey"

"How's your fake headache going?"

"It's fine, and I wasn't faking btw." Even though I was.

"Are you okay?"


"Pinky promise you're okay?"

"I can't do that over the phone smart pants"

"Fine, virtual pinky promise you're okay?"

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