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On the next day, Jai stopped at my house and took me out for breakfast.

The oddest thing about Jai is that he's always up to do the weirdest and most unusual things ever, but I admire this independent way of thinking.

Today, he decided that we should go to this new restaurant which was an hour drive away from our area.

Last night, the others begged to come along with us but Jai said no and locked the front and back doors before he left to pick me up.

"The place is sick." Jai said, not aware of the piece of spit that came out of his mouth and made its way to the tip of my nose. He chuckled. "Sorry about that. Let me clean it up."

"It's alright." I laughed. "So what is this place like? I heard about it but I don't know why people are all crazy over it."

"It's called Undersky." Jai explained. "It's only open during the day. When the sun goes down, they close."

"Why is that?"

"It's because the place is under night skies. Not real night skies but night skies that you can't really see in the city because all the shops are illuminated so the stars don't really appear."

"I still don't get what's so special."

"Leaaaa just wait and see."

"Okay okay"


"Oh my god Jai no way it's amazing." I said, griping onto his arm and jumping in the process.

"Ouch your nails are digging into my skin."

I laughed. "I'm sorry but I so excited."

"How can I help you?" A man in a dark sky blue suit came up to us.

"A table for two please." Jai said.

"Can I know your zodiac signs please?"

"Taurus and Gemini."

"Follow me please."

The man walked us to a table situated under breathtaking constellations.

"This is Lyra, our talented constellations and star expert. She's going to join you for a little bit to tell you about some important things. I hope you have a lovely time. Thank you."

"Thank you." Me and Jai synced.

"Hmm let me guess. You recently became a couple. Right?"

"Hahaha no not really." Jai answered.

"Alright then, you're in love though. Right?"

"No no. Just friends." I stopped her.

"Never mind. Let's move on to another topic." She paused. "Hmm you're Jai I suppose? And you're Lea."

"Yeah" I smiled and gave Jai a look. What's she doing?

"Lea. After a couple of weeks, a handsome boy will approach you and open up his heart to you."

"Okay..." I gave her a nervous smile.

I looked at Jai and noticed that his face was fuming. "Are you alright?" I whispered.


"Excuse me, we don't want you to read our star signs. Thank you anyway." Jai said roughly.

"Um okay I'm sorry." She said standing up from her chair. "One more thing before I leave. Stars are breathtaking, and when you want to find your self or a lost part of your conscious, look up to the stars and you'll find it."

"Can you please leave now?" Jai said nervously.

"Yeah yeah okay calm down sir." She said straightening her skirt. "See you next time, Lea." She smiled.

"Ugh she's annoying." Jai rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry." I said, as I insensibly placed my hand on his.

Jai looked down at my hand and then looked up at me.


"Jai?" I laughed.

"How come you're prettier than all these stars in the sky?"

"I don't know. You tell me big boy."

"Because you're my Lea."

"Nonsense Jai." I laughed. "Don't be too cheesy right now. I'll take my hand away."

"No no no. This is the best feeling I've had in ages. It's like I've got your heart in my hands."

"Jaiii stop being so romantic." I laughed.

"I'm not trying to be romantic, you're just driving me insane."

I gave him a look even though on the inside I was melting.

"I think I'll have this." I said, pointing at a picture of a platter of seafood on the menu.

"Alright. I guess I'll have that too."

"Copy cat."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." I smirked.

"Well lucky me, I get to copy someone as perfect as Lea Anderson. I know I won't go wrong."

I pulled my tongue out then puckered my lips in mockery, but in a fraction of time, I felt something cold crash into them.

For a second, my heart sank. I thought that Jai just took the most outgoing decision of his life.

He knows that I hate it when people rush in.

But then, I realized that it weren't his lips that crashed into mine, in fact, it was his hand puppet.

I just kissed Jai's nonliving hand puppet.

A/N: I'm sorry for the late updates but I've been going through a shit load of writers block. Don't worry though, I found a lot of new ideas and I'll hopefully be active again. Also, I linked the book trailer at the beginning of the chapter for those who want to watch it. Thank you!

She's Confined » Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now