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"3,2,1...." We cheered all together. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Everyone was in the living room clapping and laughing. We hugged each other.

Alex, Sam, Beth, Liz and I have a tradition in which we swap gifts both on Christmas and New Year. This year, we had to buy gifts for everyone but we also informed the boys so they got presents too.

Most of the gifts that I received tonight were either Victoria's Secret sets or Ed Sheeran merch.

Beth got me a silver channel handbag which I couldn't afford when we went shopping together.

Sam got me a collection of things I like including books, clothes and many piercings because I was obsessed.

Unfortunately, Jai didn't get me anything. I don't blame him, he's probably too busy and he doesn't have to get me anything anyway.

Bethany went to check on mom and dad. As soon as she left out the door, Beau started running around and setting up candles and throwing glitter and petals everywhere. He told us to clean up the table and put the food away.

"Go ahead Beau. I totally give you the permission to throw glitter on my clean floor." Sam commented.

He laughed and continued spraying other stuff around the house that lead to the front door.

I caught Sam rolling her eyes.

"What's he doing?" I asked Luke.

"It's a surprise." He winked.


When the door knob turned open, the lights went off and music started playing.

Aww this is so romantic.

Daniel and Luke held Bethany by her arms and walked her to the couch.

"Dear Berthers,
On the first day that we met, I told how sucky I can get when it comes to writing love letters or singing songs and creating romantic atmospheres. Well, It's 2016 and I still suck. I'm still the Beau with lame jokes and smelly feet. I'm still the Beau that fell in love. Ew this is so cheesy I can't even." He laughed. "You're probably wondering why the fuck are two boys holding on to my arms and the lights are off as if Alex forgot to pay the electricity bill and the music is way too loud and there's a boy wearing a tank top during winter while reading a very weird letter. You're also probably wondering how on earth did I come up with all of this. Honestly, I have to give my brother Jai all the credit because he gave me all the ideas. Technically, he's been reading a lot about love on google but whatever who cares about him. This is all about you babe. All about my Bethers." Beau walked towards her and pulled out a box.

"Last time I gave you a red box similar to this, it had a bracelet in it. This time, it's density in a box."

"I'm not sure about how you ask someone's hand for engagement, but I'll do it my way. Yo Beth, will you be Beau Brooks' gorgeous fiancé?" He asked leaning on his knee.

She nodded her head as tears fell down her face. "I hate you because you always come up with all these cool surprises. You're such an idiot." She laughed while wiping her tears away.


The night was over, and me and Beth went back home.

I changed into my pjs and wiped my makeup off. I put my hair up in the messiest bun you could ever imagine. I looked so bad but I was going to bed so no one will see me.

Are you awake?


Awesome. Open your front door.

Wth why?

I didn't give you your present yet.

I thought that you forgot about it.

I would never. Now come down.

Kk one second.

I wore my slippers and tip toed to the door so I wouldn't wake up the others.

"Love your pjs" he laughed.

"Thank you. I like to keep it classic with my Disney night garments."

"Come on let's go pretty."

"Where to?"

"Don't you want your present?"

"Hell yes but not when I'm dressed up like this."

"You look amazing shut up." He pulled me by my hand which caused the door to slam close.


"It's beautiful" I said, admiring the tree house that was surrounded by bushes and tall trees.

"Don't you want to go in?" Jai asked.


He helped me up the ladder then trailed behind me.

The walls of the tree house were decorated with pictures of the boys and Alex and Sam and me and Beth. Some of them were group pictures from all the times we spent together this week.

Pillows of different colors were scattered on the floor. There was one light stand at the corner.

"From now on, this place will hold all our secrets and memories." Jai said with a smile. "Deal?"


"You see this?" He said, pointing at numerous jars hanging from the ceiling of the tree house.

"I didn't recognize them when I first walked in because I was distracted by the Polaroid pictures and the colorful pillows, but now that you pointed them out I see them."

"These jars are here so we can save secrets that are supposed to stay secrets. No one from the group is allowed to read them, except if it was an emergency."

"Hmm let me guess. You found this on Pinterest? You know, switching lanes from google?" I winked.

"No. I'm original by the way. Very."

"Extremely talented." I laughed.

"I'll be anything for you." He smiled.


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