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Chapter Song

Fix You by Cold Play


I watched quietly as Justin spoke on the phone. Sean looked paralyzed as he watched Justin as well.

"I'd like to report an occurrence of domestic violence." He then continued to recite my address, further information and then told them to be there as quickly as possible.

Once he hung up he looked at Sean with a hard stare. "Don't even think about making a run for it. You're famous, that makes it even easier to track you down." Justin grilled him and Sean just nodded slowly.

"This day was bound to come." Sean shrugged aimlessly and I scowled.

"Then why the fuck would you continue to do this to me?" If only I could beat the shit out of the fucker. Unfortunately I couldn't even get up without assistance. Sean just shrugged his shoulders yet again before letting out a deflated sigh. I gave him my best look of disgust before looking over to Justin, who smiled softly.

"Ariana, can I speak to you somewhere private?" Justin questioned and I nodded, attempting to push myself up but failing. He hurried over to me and held his hand out. I grabbed onto his forearm as he hoisted me up and into his arms. "Can you walk?" I looked down ashamed and shook my head slightly. He was silent for a moment before I felt him lift me up into his arms in a bridal style. I looked up into his hazel eyes and almost melted.

He looked so... guilty?

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly and held on to his neck as he carried me upstairs. There was no reason for Sean to leave, I mean he would be tracked down anyways, like Justin said.

I directed Justin in which ways to turn, so we would land in the guest bedroom. I slept there usually. I didn't feel comfortable in Sean's room with him. I always snuck out in the middle of the night, that just earned me a slap to the face. I just couldn't stand being in the same bed as him. He would always, touch me while I slept.

"How long has this been going on?" Justin spoke once we were sat on the bed. I continued to look down, hiding my face with my mess of hair. "Ariana." Justin spoke firmly, but not in the way Sean spoke to me. It was in a caring way, like he really cared about what I deserved. He placed his hand gently on my chin pulling it up to look at him. I flinched slightly which made a flash of hurt cross his face.

"I, um." I stuttered looking at Justin hoping he would just drop this conversation, but he definitely wouldn't anytime soon. I took a deep intake of breath before speaking. "Around a year, maybe a little less, I don't know." My shoulders slumped as Justin's eyes widened in shock.

"You- what? That's insane!" I winced at his raised voice and his face softened. "I mean, why didn't you tell anyone."

"He would hurt me Justin. Every time I tried to call someone he would throw my phone and just hit me consistently. I barely talk to my family anymore. They think it's because I'm still upset about my grandpa, which I am, but it's not that. I just don't talk to any of my family anymore because of Sean. The only time I talk to anyone really is when I absolutely have to or I'm intoxicated. I don't think you realize how hard it was to just take every single blow. I wanted help but instead I made dumb decisions. I ruined my career. My fans and family were everything I lived for, and I threw it all away! All because of one single damn person I've become a train wreck. I need help." I was now an emotional mess. I'm sure I looked like a raccoon and I probably also looked like a raccoon attacked me. Nope just Sean.

Justin just stared at me for a few moments, analyzing my words. "I won't let him hurt you anymore. I wish we were closer. I wish you would've told me, or anyone really.  I want to help you, I want to fix you. If you'll let me." Justin whispered as he pulled me into his embrace and I just cried. All I could do was cry right now. I didn't have my blade but I didn't need it. Right now Justin was my therapy, not that cold thin piece of medal.

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