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Warning: mild self harm in this chapter, read at your own risk and those who are triggered please refrain from reading the end or just remember this story is fictional!


"Ariana what's going on? Besides the usual... Why haven't I been informed on the reason you were in the hospital? Are you okay? Do you need to take a break? I mean you pretty much have taken a break but-"

"Scooter! Shut up I'm fine and no I don't want to take a break if anything I want to get back into the studio. I'm sick of being cooped up in the house." I cut Scooter off as he rambled on the other line of the phone. It had been around 3 days and no one has heard of me, mainly because I've been hiding away in Justin's house full of delicious food and blankets, my favourite Disney movies and Internet, oh and don't forget the large bed I took possession of- wait what were we talking about?

"Why were you in the hospital? And don't lie because I'm pretty sure I know the answer... Have you payed attention to the news?" Scooter pried and I rolled my eyes at how nosy he was. Yeah it was his job but he needed to chill.

"No I don't pay attention to any type of news because I really don't care. Unless it concerns my fans then I don't care. If you know I'm not sure why you're asking me but, yes Sean did abuse me and yes he is in jail oh and yes, I am pressing charges and I have to be apart of a stupid trial." I sighed and fumbled with the bag of chips that were sat beside me on the white leather L-shaped couch in Justin's living room.

"Oh Ariana I'm so sorry! Maybe you do need a break, I can have it arranged. I'm sorry I didn't understand why you've been acting but now I do. Why didn't you tell me? I would've put a stop to it." Scooter continued talking as I sat there listening intently.

"I'd much rather not talk about this. I'm not taking a break. I'm staying at Justin's house. The good news is he's locked up and I don't have to worry about him anymore. I want to book a session for the studio, could you call in please?" We talked for awhile longer until finally we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

The sound of the front door opening and shutting echoed throughout the house as I hung up and I logged onto Twitter as Justin walked into the Living Room. I kept my eyes locked on the screen before me not up for anything Justin was planning on 'doing' today. For the past few days he has been trying to get me to go out, as if it would help me or something. I wasn't having it though and I turned down every suggestion he had.

"You good?" He asked and I glanced up at him with my eyebrows raise before returning my focus to typing a tweet. I've been keeping my fans updated, that's about it.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I hit the tweet button.

Instantly people replied and I favourited and retweeted a few tweets from fans as well as interacted with some of them. I smiled lightly at how happy I could make most of them.

"Why don't we-"

"No Justin for the hundredth time I am not going out until I feel like it." I sighed in frustration, he was getting on my nerves and he just walked into the house.

"You didn't even hear what I was going to say." The irritation was clear in his voice.

"Okay what's your proposition?" I looked at him through my eyelashes completely uninterested.

"I was going to suggest we go to the studio because I got a couple hours there, but it seems like you're not up for it." My attention was now fully on him as he spoke.

"Well now that you say it maybe-" I didn't finish my sentence as my mouth filled with warm liquid, a sign that I was about to throw up. I sprang up from my seat, nearly tripping over the soft blanket that was previously wrapped around my body and scrambled to the nearest sink, which just so happened to be the kitchen sink. I emptied my stomach into the sink as Justin held my hair up.

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