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"Is the baby okay?"

"The baby's fine, self harm can't hurt the baby unless the cut is deep enough to hit a vein." I was watching the backs of Justin and a nurse as I sat in a hospital bed. I hadn't woken up too long ago and no one had noticed that I was awake yet.

"Thank god. Do you know why she passed out then?" Justin's voice was full of worry and it made my heart flutter when I heard his concern.

Wait. What?

"She passed out because of stress. We have to find out her symptoms before the incident occurred, and now." My nurse explained and I think I saw Justin nod.

"Light headed." I spoke up suddenly and they both turned towards me.

"Pardon?" The nurse asked politely as Justin smiled softly at me, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Before the, incident. I was light headed, tired, overwhelmed I guess." I listed off as the nurse scurried to her desk and typed away at a laptop. "Oh and I was scared... There's more but they basically all mean the same thing."

Justin and I watched as the nurse continued typing and then swivelled the office chair around to face us. "This is completely normal." She spoke and Justin arched his eyebrow in confusion.

"How so?" He asked.

"It is perfectly normal for someone under so much stress to pass out. It's happened multiple times and most times is much worse. My one suggestion is that Ms. Grande stays in the house for a bit. Put her on bed rest for about a week. Mr. Bieber, if you chose to have her live with you, it's up to you to take care of her. If not have a family member stay with her alright?" The nurse ordered with a firm look.

"Of course ma'am." Justin nodded respectfully. The nurse looked around her mid-forties, she must have children of her own by the way she was very firm with everything.

"Great, now I'll give you her medication. She takes two tabs a day, swallow don't chew. You guys can head out whenever you're ready." And with one last smile in our direction she was out the door.

It was quiet for a little bit until I decided to speak.

"I hate it here." I groaned in a disgusted voice. I had been to the hospital too many times this week.

"Let's leave then." Justin suggested and I got up as quickly as I could, holding the gown in the back so that my bottom was covered.

"I need to change." I gave Justin a look as if to say 'leave' and he nodded before stepping out of the room. I quickly got dressed ignoring the week old bruises that still stung when I moved too much.

I walked out of the room and met with Justin as we began to walk out of the dreadfully boring hospital.

The ride home was a comfortable silence. For a minute I almost had forgotten that I was a month pregnant.

Why was my life so cliché? It just didn't make sense.

I wrapped myself tightly in Justin's warm blankets as I lied in his large bed watching the Netflix screen that had yet to have a movie playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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