Author's Note

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I'm sooo sorry I've been delaying the next chapter! The thing is I want to put a lot of effort into this story and with effort takes time and a lot of thought and planning.

Not to mention I have two other stories that I am more focused on because I started them a while back.

This particular story had me researching every other paragraph I write so it's very difficult for me to find time to write chapters for this story. I have very few ideas at the moment. When I first thought up this story I had so much ideas but they've all flown out the door. I'm going to have to rack my brain for all of the ideas and I'm trying to find inspiration. The last two chapters were inspired by Breathe Me and Sad Song so I'm trying to get inspired by other songs :))

So tomorrow I might start writing the next chapter because that's the only day I'm not entirely busy from here on out. My summer is coming to an end on September 8th so I'm trying so hard to brainstorm ideas I promise! So just so you guys don't think I'm trying to excuse myself from writing this story here's my plans laid out.

Thursday (tomorrow)- Nothing.
Friday- Finishing touches for my big sisters bridal shower that I am apart of, then sleep over at her house.
Saturday- prepping and memorizing my speech for the bridal shower, then festival with my friends that I barely saw all summer.
Sunday- No room at all for even planning for my books ; Bridal Shower
Monday- Most likely writing or planning if no plans are made otherwise
For the remainder of the days I haven't made plans but I'm sure some things will pop up therefore it's very difficult to find times to plan. I find myself putting off sleep until around 3 am because I'm trying so hard to plan things for stories and for high school.

I'm trying guys! I really hope you all don't give up on this story seen as it's been like 20 days since I updated. Honestly it didn't even feel like 20 days to me. Like I haven't even been able to keep up with the What Do You Mean countdown that's how out of it I've been. August literally flew by and I'm so upset about that. It feels like yesterday was the day I posted the last chapter.

I've been all over the place guys so please just bare with me, I'm really trying! I'm not sure if anyone besides moonlightbabexox cares about any of my stories but if you do please comment on them, her comments always make my day and I just want to know how many people read my stories!

One last thing, if you would like to share any ideas with me please please please don't hesitate! If there's something you've always wanted to see in a story then share it with me! I will definitely give credit if I use your ideas :) so if you have any ideas just private message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding, and please note that I really do want to make this story great! If you'd like to read other stories by me I have 2 other Justin ones that I've updated more often because ideas pop up and I start writing. Like I said because of those other stories I find it hard to keep up with this story because it only just started and it's difficult in the beginning when so much planning is required. I still have the whole storyline to plan out so again bare with me!

Alright I think I've got my message across,

Gotta jet! ✌🏻️🚙💨 (this is my signature ending thingy for most chapters, I don't know I did it once and it just stuck with me)

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