Chapter 12 - Hospital

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Your POV
You all Make it to the hospital, you thought you saw a third ambulance behind Sean but didn't think much of it. You had suspicions about Alex and Caleb, when she got in his ambulance. You thought she would just ride with Sean. Once you all got to the hospital, you, Alex and Sean had to wait in the waiting room. Alex was leaning on your shoulder.
"Hey Alex," you say. She looks up at you. "What happened in the cabin with you and Caleb before they took you out?" You ask calmly. Alex shook her head.
"I'll tell you later" she said tiredly.
Finally they let you back to see them, luckily they were in the same room. You walked up to Mark. You heard Alex squeal, then you Mark's eyes go wide looking at them. You turn around to see Alex and Caleb kissing. KISSING. Sean was looking at them too. After they pull apart Alex looks at all three of you. Her cheeks flushed with a reddish pinkish color. She's fiddling with her hands behind her back.
"Uhhhhhh," Caleb starts off.
"That's what happened" Alex finishes quickly.
"Ok then." Sean said slowly. A doctor with a white coat walks in.
"So, neither of your injuries are life threatening," he started off. You heard Alex sigh a sight of relief, and Sean the same. "So you guys can be let out today, as long as your careful." He said. Caleb and Mark got out of their beds. And as soon as you all got out of the room, someone rolled up on a gurney, someone all of us knew too well. Mark stepped back scared, we don't blame him. As she rolled past us she gave us a devilish grin and said.
"I'll get you all next time"

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