Sick Day

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*Phil's POV*

Kissing Dan in the rain is officially the most spontaneous and insane thing I have ever done. I had no idea where it came from, I just did it. I was terrified and worried about what he thought. What if I was a bad kisser? What if I'm not enough for Dan? My happiness outweighs the negatives by far. There's a sense of peace knowing that someone who was there for me from the beginning, someone who saved me from myself, someone who I respect and love to death, no matter the situation, shares the same feelings as I do. No matter how afraid I truly am, Daniel Howell has my heart, along as every ounce of trust that comes with it.

I walk out of the bathroom and change into pajama pants and a t-shirt. I then make popcorn and pour some ribena for me and Dan to enjoy while we watch one of my favorite movies, which is, of course, a horror movie, called Poltergeist.

As I get everything prepared, Dan emerges from his room in grey sweatpants and a red t-shirt.

I gasp, feigning shock.

"What?" Dan asks.

"You're wearing. . . color? Am I sick? Is the world ending?"

"Ha ha ha," Dan says, flatly. "You're so funny. And, for your information, it's because I desperately need to do laundry. So, this movie. . . Is there going to be a small Asian girl?"

". . .possibly. . ."

"C'mon, just tell me!"

"Nah, I'm good," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"I hate you, Philly," he says jokingly.

"I love you," it slips out. I freeze. My stomach drops. 

Shoot shoot shoot shoot.

He smiles. "Get over here," he says patting the seat next to him. "I need someone by me for moral support." I grab a blanket and curl up next to him. Only ten minutes into the movie, and Dan is already covering his eyes. He sits, bunched up in the corner of the couch peeking over a pillow. I watch the movie normally, only slightly jumping at the scares when Dan basically shoots out of his seat, sending popcorn flying in every direction.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" He yelps. I giggle, he scared me more than the movie itself. He sits with his arms wrapped around me, burrowing his head into my chest, panting. I rub his back to calm him. Soon the movie is over and I turn off the TV.

"You going to be okay?" I ask, removing Dan from my body. 

"Yeah, totally," he says, sitting up and puffing his chest.

"Good," I say. I turn of the light and head to my room. 

"Night, Dan. If you get scare-"

"I won't get scared. I'm a grown ass man."

"Okay," I laugh, crawling into my sheets. It's odd sleeping alone. I begin to descend into sleep when I

hear my door crack open.

"Phil. . ." I hear a light whisper. "Phil."

"What?" I mumble.

"I'm scared," he whispers. A twenty three year old man.

"Get in here," I say, moving the sheets. He crawls in and puts his head on my chest. "'Grown ass man' you say?"

"Shut up!" 

We laugh and fall asleep together.

I wake up to the sound of coughing. I turn over to Dan. He is sat up on the side of the bed and is holding his arm up to his mouth, hacking. He turns to me and I see beads of sweat roll down his red face.

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