9. Unexpected

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Hey Mama - David Guetta


Six Days. It's been six days since the adventures me and Luke had. Six days since he kissed me at the beach. And six days since I met Shawn. Me and Shawn have been texting back and forth, getting to know eachother better. He's a really funny guy. Really sweet too. Luke hasn't called or texted. I can't really say that im not worried, because I am. I mean, he takes me out, kisses me, and then basically disses me. It's whatever though. I mean like probably everyday girls throw themselves at him. So what would he want with a girl like me?

Still deep in thought I got a text-

Shawn: Wanna Go Out Tonight?

I gave this text some thought before replying to him.

Vic: Sure. What time?

Shawn: 7. I'll pick you up.

Vic: Sounds Good. See you later (:

Shawn: Great! See you later :P

What am I gonna wear? It's already 4pm so I don't really have much time. I should probably shower first. I connected my IPod to my speaker before putting on shuffle. 'Hey Mama' by David Guetta came on. I started singing at the top of my lungs while dancing around grabbing my body soap. I finished with my body and moved on to my hair. I quickly washed my hair out and turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower and dried my body before putting my robe on and wrapping my hair in a towel.

I walked in to my closet in hopes of finding something casual, but not to casual. I know we're not going somewhere fancy, because if we were, he would have told me. So I settled with my Jack Daniels Tee and a Maroon Skater Skirt. I layed my outfit out on my bed and walked back in to my bathroom. I stood at my mirror applying my usual makeup, mascara and eyeliner with just a little bit of concealer to cover up any blemishes.I turned on the straightner and then went downstairs where I saw Maddy sprawled out on the couch texting someone. Probably Michael. I walked past her and in to the kitchen, grabbing a Redbull and a granola bar. Something light, and that will give me energy.

I walked back up the stairs and into my room where I saw the straightner was already heated up. My hair was already mostly dry so I began to get to work. I straightend a peice and left little soft curls at the bottom of my hair. After about an hour I was successfully done with my hair. I went back in to my room and slipped on my outfit and paired it with some black pumps.

I went back downstairs and heard pans clanging in the kitchen. I walked in there, with the sound of my heels clicking on the floor. Maddy was digging through the cabinets and in the process, tossing all the pots and pans out. "What are you doing?" I chuckled at her. She looked up at me before sighing. "Trying to find the pizza pan. Where even is it?" I pointed to the dishwasher where the pizza pan was in. "I made one the other day and put the pan in there." I walked over to the dishwasher and opened it. "Here." I said as I handed her the pizza pan. "Thanks. Where are you going? You're dressed pretty nice." She said as she put the pizza in the oven. "On a date." I said simply. "With Luke? Aw. You guys are so cute. I ship it." I froze at the mention of him. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Um no, actually. It's with this other boy I met the other night. He's really sweet and is taking me out tonight." Just as she was about to answer me, the doorbell rang. Me and Maddy looked at eachother before running out of the kitchen. "No Maddy Stop!" She started to laugh as I tripped over a small step. I regained my balance to see Maddy had already beat me to the door. She opened the door and there stood Shawn, back facing towards the door. He turned around as he saw Maddy. A confused expression on his face.

"Um, Hey. Is Victoria here?" Maddy let out a small laugh as she turned around. "Victoria! Your date is here!" I let out a sigh and grabbed my clutch, before making my way over to the door. "Yeah, I noticed. Thanks for letting the whole world know." Shawn let out a small laugh at that. "Anytime. Use a condom kids." I gasped at Maddys' words before turning to Shawn, who had an amused expression on his face. I grabbed his forearm before leading him back to his car. He unlocked it and opened my door for me, before getting in to the drivers seat. "Im sorry about her.." I trailed off. "It's okay." He spoke as he turned the car on. "She was funny." I laughed softly before turning the radio on.

"Oh my god no. It was really embarrasing." Shawn said. We were in a little retro pizza shop in downtown. We had ordered a small pizza for the both of us to share. We were just talking about things that have happened to us that might have been embarrasing .

"Ready to go to the movies?" Shawn asked me. "Yeah sure. Lets go." We got up from the booth we were sitting in and made our way over to the door. I bumped in to someone as I was making my way out the door. "Oh im sorr-" I saw the person I have been thinking about for the past six days.



I will begin to update on a regular basis . But you know .

School is a bitch .


Q. What State Do You Live In?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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