Maybe I'm just hard to love

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"I don't know what I was expecting" she said.

"But it wasn't this."

- S.Z


She fell helplessly knowing she lost the one she loved. It was his first time someone ever loving him. Only time can tell before everything dies, like they never met each other. She sobbed, slowly breaking herself down. While he was stunned and speechless. Maybe, maybe one day.. but not today.


Everyone cheered Eva's name, she stood smiling to the crowd. Brock slipped in the ring, and smiled to her. It hurt Jenny even more when she was right in front of the TV. Stephanie just stood there sad for Jenny, she remembered being in her situation once except her mother was the one that helped her through. She remember loving hunter, and look where they were now. Happy as ever.

"Jenny look at me, don't you dare cry anymore, if someone doesn't love you the way you love them it's pointless to keep them."

"It's hard steph. It really is." I said crying my eyes out.

Eve and Brock walked back stage happy as ever, the twins walked back at them. Brock and Eve saw me Brock felt bad for me, I guessed because his face changed a little.

"..Jenny?" He said with a sincere voice

Stephanie looked at me, I buried my face into her arms. I walked away and ignored him, it hurts to hear him even say my name. But I kept moving like he was't there.

I went to Brock's room to pick my stuff up, I heard the door opened so I hid behind his coach. I guessed Eve wasn't there because I couldn't hear her idiotic voice.

"I don't know but she's just acting like a total stuck up brat. Jenny probably wants attention."

I scoffed, I was going to go out of the coach to tell him what he is, but I realized that wouldn't make anything better. Finally they left the room to go to some meeting or whatever. I decided if I can't tell him face to face that he's the total stuck of brat, I decided to trash his locker room. I mean not my fault, once you get me angry I won't stop.

I went out being happy as ever, than a technician came walking towards me,
"Um Jenny, Eve wants you out there. Here's the mic"

He handed the mic over, I grabbed and I knew this wouldn't end well, but i went for it. I walked out the ring as my music was playing. When it stopped I said to myself, 'here comes hell.'

"Hey Jenny uh I have a question for you, how do you like my ring?"

Her ring was a 14 karat diamond, I stood staring at it. I was going to cry in sadness, but I knew if I did it would make Eve laugh.

"Okay, i'm taking a yes. Stinks you aren't with Brock, but good for m-"

I cut her off, and said,

"Eve. Eve, Eve. I can't believe he actually proposed to you"

I smiled and laughed after which I said,

"You know I thought he would see who you were inside. A monster, but its alright you know why? Because I came to the conclusion that he never realized it because he's just like you. A monster."

I smiled, I could see her scoffing at me. She was fuming, and became angry.


I said laughing looking at both sides of the crowd,

"I have a better thought, i'm glad he asked you to marry him. I mean you guys are perfect for each other. YOU KNOW WHY?!?"

I paused for a second, so she could breath all the words that I said to her.


She gasped in horror, I was glad she felt that way, the crowd laughed at her. But a second later I did the same thing, gasped in horror as I heard Brock's music coming on the screen. I turned around waiting for him to come out. When he did everyone cheered as he and Paul Heyman walked out. When he saw me he ran to me and picked me up onto his head.

He literally ran like some cheetah that was hungry, I tried wiggling out, which successfully I did, I kicked him in the privacy. He looked up to me angry than before. I only saw this face when he was mad because Stephanie told him he was suspend indefinitely. Now I was officially scared.

I tried kicking him again but he caught my leg.

'oh no..'

I had to think quick.. 'WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO" than I finally knew what to do,I jumped up and kicked him with my other feet. That definitely got him to release my foot and fall to the ground.

I went to get my mic, but than as I picked the mic up I heard someone stumping up and growling. That could be one and only, The Beast. Everyone on the first row chanted,


I stood frozen on the ground, I heard him running and pick me up by my waist. He jumped and suplexed me, making me hit the corner of the barrack. "Ouch."

I laid helplessly. He than picked me again which than doing his finishing move, the F5. "Ouch" again."

He smiled and went up to Eve, which than he affectionately kissed her. My back hurt so bad, I couldn't do anything but say to myself, 'You couldn't be any dumber than this.' Moments later the medical team tried putting me on the emergency board to put on the stroller, or whatever you call that thing. I pushed out telling the medical team I was fine.

"No Ms. Jenny you may be hurt."


I push them away and got up, it still hurt, but I just stood up and got the microphone. It was hard to get up, as my back hurt so much but some how I did.

"The only thing that is different, about you two is that."

I was out of breath but I kept talking, for some reason the back didn't hurt as much as it did before.

"Eve is being a malicious backstabber, shes using you, you might not see that BUT SHES USING YOU FOR FAME. You can thank me later"

I could feel tons of blood drifting on my back, which when I went back I could feel blood all over my back. I hold my back limping to walk.

I saw Stephanie as she was trying to get to me, but as I reached her I blacked out on the ground. And I knew I had fainted. Or did I?

"Jenny?" Stephanie said confused

"OH MY GOD, SOMEONE CALL THE MEDICS" She saw blood all over me.



Ding dong the witch is dead, oops I'm sorry I'm just trying to do whats best for businesses. Eves voice fainted. Now Stay The Hell Away From My Future Husband. -

She lay there helplessly on the ground. When I said good things fall, so everything could be where they should be, I really meant it. She got hit with reality, and the reality is, is that this is what needs to happen in order for her to truly understand she fell for the wrong guy. Poor J, she really almost had it with him. Or did she..?

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