You're my favorite daydream

614 10 5

I'm not ready
To lose you yet
- unknown


The clocked ticked, tick tock, tick tock. It was only hours away before the wedding. The hours became minutes, and the minutes became seconds. In a few hours Eve Torres, becomes into Eve Lesnar. Even the sound of that doesn't feel right. Whatever it is, you better figure something out Jenny. Or else, hells gate will be opened, and you will be the first resident. Sucks, but you played with fire. Nothing good ever happens when you mess with the wrong person.
8:37 AM

Buzz. Buzzz. Buzzzzz. Buzzzzzzz.
I groan in tiredness reaching my hand out for my phone. My head was still on the pillow off course, too tired to even try to look. Finally my hand reached my phone and turned off the notification. It was too early to get out off bed, so I went back to sleep. But like normal, minutes turned into seconds. Eventually I got up. At 8:50...

I did what normal people did get some breakfast, brush my teeth, fixed my messy hair. Yabba yaba. Then I walked towards my couch and sat on it. I went on my phone looking through Instagram photos, and could you not Eves account off course had to show up on my feed. Wait. Why did I even follow her? Oh yeah to see Brock, I mean he doesn't even have a Instagram account. I thought everyone would have Instagram accounts by now.. But I guess I was wrong.

It was just a photo of her makeup artists doing her wedding look, she looked nice I'm not gonna lie. But on the other hand it's either photoshopped, or her makeup artist put loads of makeup on to cover up that hideous face. Either way it didn't matter, not like she was gonna affect me in anyway. I read the caption saying

"Wedding just hours away, this is going to be the best moment of my life!" I could hear her arrogant voice in the back of my head. I rolled my eyes and kept scrolling down my feed. Until I realized something.

Wait today is her wedding day, WAIT TODAY IS HER WEDDING DAY. I scrolled up back to where Eves picture was, which was posted 45 minutes ago. I decided to get off the coach and do something provocative, I went to my closet in my room to pick out what I was going to wear at the wedding.

I looked through the closet searching for some dresses, but off course there was only one. Which was a plain white dress. I mean if I wore that I'd look like a bride right? Anyways I decided to go shopping, which I've always been a fond of, buying clothes was great. But I had to be cautious with the prices. But after Wrestlemania, my paycheck increased by 67%. So I decided since this was a special occasion, that I would buy myself something nice.

I drove to the outlet which was only fifteen minutes away, so it wasn't that bad; but the parking lot was jammed full. It must've taken twenty-four minutes of my time which I could've been finding a dress. I got out of the car which off course there were a few fans that saw me, so I toke pictures with them. Again, used up 15 minutes of 'could've' finding a dress to wear at the wedding.

Finally though I walked into the outlet into Gucci. The store itself was foreign to me. Only because it's a 'High Class Shop' and because it's very very .. I mean very.. Expensive. I usually just go to Charlotte Russe and NIKE, at least a pair a shoes from there wasn't like $2,000 dollars. I don't know, but the prices there are just plain ridiculous.

Anyways, I looked through dresses, shoes, jewelry for something to pop up and steal my eyes. But off course nothing did, probably because I was going to waste my money, which I could be using to buy tickets to see Ariana Grande. Any how, I left the store which then I found Channel. At least the clothing wasn't as expensive as Gucci. Barley.

I went through the racks of clothing and finally found the dress I wanted, it was a minty green cocktail dress; which the bottom of the dress was tight around my knee. I barley could walk in it but whatever fits the price, is whatever I'm willing to pay. Except it was about $456 dollars, I mean that isn't a lot.. Right?

I bought the dress and went home to my apartment, I opened the door, and everything from there on just went pitch black. I stayed that way, for a very long time.

"Here comes the bride dress all in light, here comes the bride where she'll marry the handsome guy" haha I love the sound of that. You know how I invited you to the wedding? Well (laughs faintly) in a second thought, I think that would've been a huge mistake. Which you would've tried "tried" to steal Brock from me. But honey you can't now I mean I just hit you with a pan, that must've hurt. But I don't care, I hope you get into a coma. Or die, doesn't matter though because you can't come to my wedding now can you? Love you lots - Eve.

I  Wanted You to Love Me  -COMPLETED-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant