Something still makes me love you.

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"I've been stuck on you for so long

that I don't even remember what it feels like to want someone else."



She laid on the bed quietly, the monitor beeped loudly. Lightning pounded the room. She woke up seeing herself in a night gown, realizing she was in the hospital. She looked over the window as rain poured down the cloudy sky. She was filled with sorrow and sadness.


A week later

It was always hard to go to work, and whenever I want to go to the lounge to sit and watch Brock would always have a match or a playback of the week before. I just couldn't stand looking at his face. I don't know if i got over him, but I don't know, I just can't function anymore.

Now in days since I can't wrestle for a month, my match with Eve will be held at Summer Slam. I couldn't wait I wanted Brock to lose to the Undertaker. So he could just Rest in Peace for once.

Since I can't wrestle any more I expressed my feelings normally by singing, these days, I just felt the urge to sing. So I can let out all my emotions I have or had with Brock.

Eve and Brock's wedding was this Saturday, and off course Eve wanted to invite me because she felt the need to make me jealous. But its funny cause i'm not, I've gotten over him. Never mind that's false, I partially got over him.

I couldn't wait for tonight's Monday Night RAW though, because after Brock is supposedly speak in the ring with Eve, I'm going to be interrupting it with a VIA satellite, amazing right?

Well in a pass week I made some friends, finally. It's my first time actually having a friend, and I've been in this company for like, I can't even count. Sad right? John and I gotten really close, we aren't close close but we are good friends. He supports me through my rough days. Which is like everyday..

I went to go change into High waisted skinny jeans with a  white crop top. I than ate dinner, which consisted of Chicken Salad and those juice cleanse things. After I finished a producer came up telling me it was time.

Time to show case to them, what I call, listening to the song! They got a Grand piano in the main room so the fans could also see me showcase the VIA satellite, we watched on the screen Brock coming out with Eve holding hands.

"Thank you for everyone who supported us throughout the the months of us being together!" I could hear her idiotic voice. I swore I thought I was going to get a migraine or something.

Then they said stuff and stuff and stuff, they kept blabbing their mouths, it was really annoying to be honest to you. And than they kissed. And it was show time. I interrupted their throw up kiss with the piano.

"Jars of Hearts" by Christina Perri

  I know I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

  And it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that you kissed
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

When the song ended, I could hear everyone cheering my name. I looked at the camera, and scoffed smiling. When the VIA satellite finished, Eve was furious, while Brock was in shock and in confusion.

Later on that night I went to the cafeteria to eat dinner once again, which followed up John coming over to me to sit and eat with me.

"Hey so hows it doing?" He said bringing over a plate of salad

"I'm doing fine, after that VIA satellite I did earlier." I smiled poking at my chicken

'Yeah, you're really good at singing, have you noticed that? A lot of the superstars and Divas were watching you sing that song."

"I don't know I just like to sing just for fun, and now an days with my injury, there isn't really anything to do so yeah.."

Afterwards the Usos and Naomi joined in,

"Omg you shoulda totally seen Brocks face, AWKWARDDDDD!" Jimmy said,

"Shh babe, anyways Eve was like throwing a tantrum, it was HILARIOUS" Naomi laughed

A minute later Alisha and Cameron came over,

"Gurl, I saw the whole thing. And when I heard your voice. I was like "Girl bye." Cameron said doing her hand move laughing.

" Eves face though..." Alisha making a face smiling.

"Speak of the devil...." John said to us

Everyone looked over seeing Brock and Eve walking into the Cafeteria, when Eve saw me she went straight towards me.

"uh oh." Naomi said.

"Hi guys" Eve said. I swear her voice is so fake.

"ew." She looked at me

"You're friends with the nobody? Wait, how much did she pay you to be you're friend? $20? $50?" She said laughing. Brock was in a line to get food for himself.

I slapped that pretty face of hers, she deserved it. She than looked over putting her hand on her cheek where I slapped her. She than looked at me irritated. Which than followed up a slap, she smiled walking away. But before she could walk even more, I tapped her on the shoulder. Which than she turned around, and I kicked her right in the chin. She fell into a table of food.

I laughed saying,

"Doesn't feel good to be in the spot you're in right? Well you put me through that so many times. But hey, Karma is a Bi*ch right?" I smiled.

She started to rage, throwing a tantrum like a little kid.

"At least I handled it with class."

I looked at Brock, as he looked at me. I don't know, but something makes me love him like I did before.


Jenny stood smiling at Brock, but it stinks because Brock and I are getting married. I wonder if she'll still be smiling when the wedding comes. haha, good luck sweet heart. But it looks like i've already won this.

I  Wanted You to Love Me  -COMPLETED-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon