Chapter 1: Explore, Dream, Discover!

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Sophie's P.O.V - (First Person)

 Every now and then, your inner voice inside will challenge you, confront you and try to hold you back; but that's when you need to let your heart guide you. That's exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm ignoring my mind which is telling me to turn back around, and following my heart taking me to god knows where...but to be honest, I don't think I even care(which rhymes xD)

I ran. And ran. And ran. Until now. My legs have finally given in, feeling a bit like jelly on a trampoline. I feel like any second now, my legs are just going to snap, breaking directly in half. I can't even begin to explain the size of the stitch I have continually growing in my stomach right now, because it's too much to comprehend. Looking around, I saw nothing besides tonnes of droplets of my own tears which were filling my eyes. After the water works started a few miles ago, I haven't been able to see much. I'm surprised I didn't fall into the road and get hit by a car or something, not that I'd mind right now! It'd be less painful. The stinging in my eyes hasn't subsided since the accident. As soon as that first tear fell out of my eye, they've felt like millions of tiny needles are stabbing at them continuously.

Carelessly grabbing the sleeve of my grey cardigan with my violently shaking hands, I wiped away at my cheeks not really caring about the make-up about to stain the only item of clothing in my possession now. Blinking away a few remaining tears and sniffling away any snot (I know its gross but I didn't have tissues okay!), it was only now that I noticed the eerie silence engulfing me within the pitch black of the night. I must have been running for hours! Gathering any power I had left in my body, I began to start walking in my vulnerable state. I guess I need to find somewhere to sleep. This will be fun! Please, sense the sarcasm. 

Due to the bad luck god seems to enjoy giving me today, none of the street lights were on/working. Fudging perfect! Walking in the dark...well, not like I have much else to do is it?! It started to get chilly, so I picked up my pace. All of a sudden, my foot collided with something. A rock. I felt a falling sensation, but froze. Deciding not to put my arms out to support myself, like the clever person I am, I face-planted. That’s right. Face. Planted. Smack bang onto the concrete.

As I collapsed to the floor, I felt the pain as strong as a hundred daggers sinking into my stomach. Groaning and screaming with anguish, I writhed about on the floor, clutching my body. My eyes were watery, AGAIN, with the sheer pain and my breathing came out in sharp, shallow rasps. Tonight is just not my night! 

Ignoring and fighting away the pain as best I could, I gradually steadied myself onto my feet. Only after a few attempts of stumbling about on the spot, I managed to regain my balance. Glass shimmered on the floor under the moonlight, which finally decided to make an appearance...bit late! I mentally groaned at my misfortunes tonight and looked down at myself, my clothes now covered in dust and dirt. No wonder the fall hurt so bad, I landed on broken beer bottles! I officially hate the drunk.

What am I supposed to do with myself now?!

I can't go join them yet, it's too early. They won't want me there, I'm sure of it. I guess I'll do what they want, everything is easier that way. It's not like anyone cares about me anymore so I'm not going to be causing trouble for anyone besides myself. Looks like I have a fun life waiting ahead of me ah?!

The sheer pain of my fall was beginning to subside due to the adrenaline my body seems to have grasped. However, the unfortunate events of the day just keep rolling in. Well, don’t I feel lucky!

My house hunting was cut short when I decided that I was never going to find a hotel room at this rate, so I found a cluttered alleyway which seemed pretty decent instead...or not. After strolling down for about 2 feet, I heard little squeaking of mice and rattling of crisp packets. Just a look at the gloom would’ve sent anyone sprinting in the opposite direction, though I’m not lucky enough to have the choice. Looks like I'm spending a night with these little guys. In the bins. Well, this is where they said I belonged, so at least I'm doing something right, ah?

As I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but wonder about what tomorrow would bring, and the day after that, then the next. Yeah, you catch the drift. I decided to make a mental "TO DO" list. It’s helping me forget about the mice as well...eurgh; stop thinking about them goddamn mice Sophie! 


-Finish My Education

-Get A Job

-Find A House (always helpful right?!)

-Get Friends

That's pretty much everything...yeah yeah it's a depressing list, but it consists of everything I don't have. Anymore.

My last thoughts before drifting off into a deep sleep were: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's time for me to take that step. It's time for me to explore, dream and discover!"

Revenge! (Harry Styles Fanfiction) *NOT CONTINUING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora