Chapter 9: A Sense Slapping!

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A/N: got a bit of Niall and Harry's P.O.V in here, hope you like it :)


 Harry’s P.O.V

Taking a step towards her, I could see every inch of her body was trembling with fear. I felt pride fill my own as I realized I had already intimidated her without even trying too hard. Tightly grabbing both her arms and pinning them against the wall, all I could think was how she had waltzed on in as if she owned the place! How she thought she could get away with anything…it infuriated me! Her struggling body angered me more and more by the second. My temper was flaring as my emotions built up inside. Rage boiled through my body; I barely had a chance to think of my actions.

I pursed my lips and raised my hand back. Without hesitation, I threw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across her face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain started in my palm and spread all the way to my fingertips. My palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on her face. She stared at me with her eyes wide as her hand slowly made it to her fire red cheek. 

I should've felt some kind of remorse. But I didn't. Not one organ in my body could produce guilt for my actions. A triumphant grin spread across my face as she continued struggling against me. ‘This was going to be fun’ I thought mischievously.

Sophie’s P.O.V - (First Person!)

As his large hand came in contact with my cheek, the extreme force of his hit caused my head to snap to the side. I clutched my throbbing cheek in shock as tears began welling up in my widened eyes. My breathing was harsh and ragged as my heart endlessly thrummed in my chest.

His voice stumbling with a raspy tone, interjecting with pure enjoyment, "Aw, what are you gunna’ do now?”

My eyes darted to Niall’s guilty face, horror clearly evident.

“Niall?” I plead, hope flooding my voice.

His eyebrows shot far up his forehead and his eyes bulged as almost everyone went silent, staring at him awaiting his next move. Panic was apparent throughout his entire body, his face being shocked and worried; his body being extremely tense and unmoving. However, he regained some posture when his three ‘friends’ swooped in, beginning their interrogation.

“Who is she?!”

“Why is she asking for your help?!”

“What are you doing talking to THAT?!”

Entirely ignoring every question thrown his way, he shoved through the whole crowd when eventually, he reached us. I glanced back towards everyone else as they held confused expressions.

“Harry, mate...” I heard his familiar Irish accent mutter, “just leave it.”

At this point, the “Harry” figure had begun releasing his grip on me, only a little though. Glaring at me, he replies with spit flying into my face; whether being intentional or not I don’t know…not that it matters?

“Oh, whadda’ you care?!” His irritation was clearly heard when he spoke.

“To be honest, she’s done nothing wrong and your just being an arse”

I saw “Harry” flinch, gritting his teeth together. Most of the crowd had backed away by now, still watching intently though. I had even noticed some video cameras…

“What’d you just say?!” I could notice how clenched his teeth had become, as if he was spitting venom when saying his words. Niall takes a nervous gulp but manages to hold his ground, repeating his sentence. I give him props for that, I would’ve crapped my pants.

*Niall’s P.O.V*

As the long arm extended, it neared me at an alarming rate and cushioned between the waist and my misshaped ribcage. The immediate impact left a sickening sight on my face as my legs appeared to crumble under the impact. A sour taste remained in my mouth and a look of revenge placed itself in upon my eyes. Although I knew nothing could be done. It never could…

As I steadied myself back onto two feet, I could feel the nausea rising up my throat. Perfect! Despite the immense pain I was in, I still managed to see Sophie’s worried eyes for a Nano-Second before she darted off, using her time of freedom wisely. I tried to follow behind her but was prevented from doing so as I almost collapsed once again. He definitely got a good shot at me!

Instead, I had to settle on shouting after her, “SOPHIE?!”

“Just leave me alone! I don’t need this right now!” was the only reply I got before she’d turned the corner and was out of sight, leaving me to curl into a ball of pain on the floor; alone.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

My fists subconsciously tightened as I watched her retreating figure, the hot rage still burning in my veins. I was livid, especially as I’d only gotten a pathetic slap on that cow! As I looked down at my curled up ‘friend’ on the floor below, my nostrils flared; my eyes flashing and closing into slits. The anger I felt towards him right now is unimaginable. Slurring words that were unintelligible came spewing out of my mouth, directed at the crumpled boy on the floor. It’s his own fault.

I am so mentally frustrated right now that I pay no attention to the dispersing crowd, leaving once they’d got the desired gossip. I was almost certain that my face held a various emotions which was never comforting to me. I had to pull myself together.

I let out an exasperated sigh, setting my face into an expression of annoyance. I walked away, all my thoughts bouncing around my brain; but the conclusion was always the same…revenge!

If she thinks she can get away with pushing me around like that, then she has another thing coming.


A/N - I realize I wrote that he wanted to get Revenge which is the title of the story; however I can assure you that this isn't the entirety of the Revenge and there is much more to it. I'm just now realizing how relevant the title was! ;)  

P.S. If I ever say I'm going to update, please DON'T BELIEVE ME!! Because I say that a lot and never end up doing it... If I say it, MAKE ME PROMISE because then I definitely do! :)

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