Chapter 4: Stranger Danger?!

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Sophie's P.O.V - (First Person!)

After my strange encounter with that Niall character, I decided to take him up on his offer of considering his school. It took a while for my legs to register movement as I've been sat on my arse so much lately, but once I began to walk, I managed a steady pace. I took the first turn I came to, which was a left. Glancing straight ahead, I saw a large sign with some writing on it but it was too far away for me to comprehend. Taking a wild guess that, that was the school he was on about, I continued walking. 

As I approached the sign, I blinked a couple times to rid my eyes of whatever crap is blurring my sight and was able to see "Park-Point High" in distinct white block capitals. I guess this must be it then.

Turning slightly to the left, there were multiple signs all with arrows on pointing in One Direction. (aha ;)) Above each arrow, it simply stated "front office" ... well I guess that’s where I should go. A few minutes later, I had arrived and was about to push the button for the front door to open when it opened automatically. Fancy! Well, compared to my old school anyways.

The lady at the front desk looked a bit intimidating so I was rather nervously shuffling towards her. I had gathered a bit of courage once I reached her but she didn't look up. I did one of those awkward coughs hoping she'd get the hint but she didn't.

"Excuse me?!" I sighed.

"Hello there dear, how may I help you?" FINALLY! It seems very posh here; this is just making me worried about fitting in...Should I try somewhere else? But Niall goes here, so I'll know someone, sort of...

After my short mental debate and a few strange looks from the receptionist, I replied, "um, you have any slots for new students?" reeeaaalll smooth. I seem to be doing a lot of sarcastic mental comments to myself lately. Maybe I'm going crazy...ah well, nothing new there!

"Your very lucky actually, a student left just the other week so you can take his place. Though I do have to warn you...his’s not pretty..." 

What’s that supposed to me!? I dread to think...

"Um, I guess that's fine...." I spoke, to which I received wide eyes and raised eyebrows. I guess she was expecting me to run a mile. Hah, jokes on you because I've probably had worse! But that’s not really something I should be proud of...DISREGARD THAT! 

Whilst handing me a large wad of paper, she said "take a seat over there and fill this in. Once you’re done, bring it back and you can start tomorrow."

Before I could even bother with showing appreciation, she had gone back to her own work. RUDE! Maybe she just had more important things to deal with, I mean, I’m not exactly the queen right now…yeah, let’s go with that. I casually walked over to the seats which I wasn't too happy about sitting on as they were covered in gum but it was the only option. Remind me to disinfect my arse later. And burn these clothes…actually, I’d prefer not to walk around in my birthday suit so I’ll leave the clothes be.

*15 minutes later*

It's about time! I only just finished filling in all those papers. I swear they were paedophiles. Literally any question you could think of was in that booklet. Obviously there were normal things like name and DOB (date of birth) but I promise you, I got asked what my favourite food was...Ah well, done and dusted, just time to find a place to sleep.

I handed in the booklet and started the killer walk I was about to enrol myself on. In the corner of my eye as I was exiting, I thought I saw the lady staring at me disgusted. I wonder wh- THE CLOTHES! How could I just sign up to my new school looking like a tramp?! I know I am one right now but way to make a first impression! Feeling uncomfortable under her stare, I looked over to the other side only to see a couple girls sniggering at me. Ouch. And just my luck I had to walk right past them. Oh joy!

"EW what a skank!"

"I bet she’s gunna come to our school...greeeaaattt"

"Why can’t she just go live in an alley?!"

"Oh my god what is up with them clothes?!"

"Eurgh she stinks"

Yep, those were the comments I received as I walked past. I swear Niall is the only nice/normal person around here. Wherever 'here' is. Returning back to reality instead of dreaming about the only guy figure I have left in my life, I thought back to all those comments. All those TRUE comments. I couldn't handle it anymore so I just sprinted off in any direction as fast as possible. Once again, running away from my problems. Seems to be a frequent thing for me lately.

Whilst running away, I accidentally bumped into someone and immediately apologised but they just ignored me, scoffed and then walked off as if I was a piece of gum they had just stepped in. Wow. Girl stood here with tears streaming from her eyes and you say nothing. This just made me feel and think I was invisible (I wish!) so the tears came at a faster pace. Somehow I ended up in the same alleyway as the previous night...I guess this is my new home. I feel soooo lucky! *note the sarcasm!* I dropped to the floor and curled up into the all too familiar ball shape. I feel so vulnerable.

All I remember before falling into the only happy place I have, called sleep, was thinking "I met another stranger...and got a new school...uh oh!" Clearly, I don't know the means of stranger danger. 

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