Chapter 6: Your Worst Nightmare!

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A/N - I have to go but I hope this'll do for a bit :)


Sophie's P.O.V - (First Person!)

Gradually my feet subconsciously edged closer to the building that I feared the most, due to the endless amount of hateful opinions that are bound to be expressed once I enter; my heart pounding profoundly within my ribcage feeling as though it could be released from my insides within a heartbeat. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so vulnerable, being the centre of attention with numerous pairs of eyes glaring at me like eagles that can’t let a single flaw pass their sight; almost as if blinking will disrupt the entire intimidation system they all seem to have programmed straight into their brains. I’ve never been around so many people but felt so alone before. It’s like the life and fun has been sucked right out of me, leaving behind the ghost of a girl. Physically, I’m alive…mentally, not so much.

Dragging my sore feet across the irritatingly cold concrete, I began to make my way towards the entrance of what is sure to be my doom. However, my plan to go unnoticed severely failed as I noticed a pair of leather clad boots pause to a halt directly in front of me. Glancing up from my confortable yet awkward view of the ground which I had previously been intrigued by to prevent embarrassment, I came face to face with not just the one person as suspected. Oh no; no such luck for me. FOUR well-built guys stood in front of me, smirks smothered on their arrogant faces, complete with strong muscly arms crossed across what I can only assume to be rock hard chests. To say I was panicking would be an understatement. Feeling it was the best option, I not-so-subtly twisted my feet around taking my body with it, hoping to walk away; but once again, no such luck. Apparently, the little gang of overly brawny man-boys decided to surround me therefore blocking my exit. Ah crap.

Before my mind could even question what was happening, their resonant voices were screaming abuse at me from every angle possible, adding in the occasional push and shove. I could already feel the tears stinging at my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks; though I managed to resist. I’ve never been this emotional before, what the actual…

Each word felt like a stab through my heart, though I’d never show them that. Why give them the satisfaction? Instead, I gathered every ounce of courage I could collect and shoved past them, using my shoulder as a weapon. Leaving my apprehension behind, I made my way towards the school’s double doors with pride in my stride, which was an unusual action for the girl I’ve been recently; due to the current circumstances I find myself drowning in which had been frequently resulting in tears and pain. Although, I think I’m finally all out of tears; and I must say it’s about time. Time seems to have dramatically slowed down for me these past few days!

As I steadily approached the door, extending my hand towards the gleaming handle, I felt a warm presence behind me. Progressively, I rotated my head slightly to my right; afraid of what my eyes would fall upon, only to be abruptly caught off guard by a vicious hand gripping my upper arm. Smashing my body harshly against the grubby brick wall, I groaned out in horrendous pain as my back felt as though it was crumbling to pieces there and then. I watched as my books fell to the ground like a descending waterfall, as if slow motion had been applied to my life. My eyes were wide with fear, staring at the culprits beady eyes as they traced over every inch of my face. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as each insult went through my ears with indescribable amounts of venom evident. As I attempted to keep my breathing at a constant pace, I noticed the olive skinned boy with freshly cut, well groomed hair lean towards my startled face with that mischief filled smirk clearly displayed. His breathe fanned my face as our noses were almost touching, which was a bit too close for comfort through my eyes. Lightly, he whispered, “you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself in to. I suggest you watch your back.”

I felt a sharp shiver travel down my spine as the two swiftly span back around and walked away, as though nothing had happened. My heart was beating erratically in my chest and I could feel sweat particles already forming then dripping down my cheeks; or maybe those are tears…probably both. His words echoed around my brain, seemingly bouncing off the edges and straight back inside. Panic filled every inch of my body as I wondered what he meant; what have I gotten myself into? Why do I need to watch my back?

Stumbling towards the metal railing to help me regain my balance after the overwhelming event, I realised that I was heavily panting. Glancing around at my surroundings, I noticed more eyes than not staring straight through my soul and back. I glared at them all with as much anger as I could muster up; thanks for helping me out everyone. Surprisingly, a mere five seconds later, everyone had already shrugged it off, returning to their previous conversations. Oh yeah, not like I’ve just been abused and threatened or anything is it?!

Figuring now is probably a good time to head off to first period; I rotated on the balls of my feet. However, as I did so, I spotted a familiar blond head of hair peering out from behind a tree trunk. Real casual, Niall. Arching my back over, I prepared to lift my, now tattered, books off from the floor, Niall appeared from nowhere and reached for them before I even had the chance to blink. He generously handed my books back over to me, so I gratefully thanked him.

Peculiarly, as I thanked him, he also just shrugged it off. I mean, I know I’m not the most pleasant creature to walk the earth but I deserve some sympathy don’t I?! He ran his hands through his hair, as if trying to relieve stress. It’s not the time nor the place but…BICEPS! ;) His eyes then frantically searched around us for god knows what which definitely sparks confusion to run through my veins. Before he sprinted off to class, I saw his eyes bulge out of their sockets…then he was gone. Err…bye then?!

I began to enter the building once more, with Niall’s odd behaviour still dominating my thoughts. Unfortunately, it didn’t go unnoticed that my new ‘bullies’ per say were stood leaning against a nearby tree intently watching my every mood. Talk about creepy.

Feeling more than uncomfortable, I followed Niall’s recent steps.

*a bit later*

I won’t lie to you; it took me a good ten minutes to find my classroom, therefore being considerably late. Fortunately, Mr James allowed it as I’m new. Phew! Obviously upon entering the room, all eyes turned to me. You’d think I’d be getting used to it, but I still get a new sense of insecurity each and every time.

To avoid looking like a complete idiot, I hurriedly rushed towards my new seat which Mr James pointed me towards and hastily sat down. I’ve had enough attention today to last me a lifetime.

Despite having thirty odd other students occupying my new classroom, my eyes immediately fell onto Niall. Shockingly, his eyes were zoned in on me also, though with a look I can only presume to be guilt. What is he guilty about?

I feel he noticed my confusion as his head snapped into the other direction, completely ignoring me. Instead, he was staring out into the open school field, which was littered in empty food wrappers and cigarette boxes. I, on the other hand, don’t seem to be able to remove my eyesight from him, resulting in extreme embarrassment on both our parts. What joy!

 “Sophie, can you give me a hand with this please?” Mr James had asked me which snapped me out of my trance. I immediately replied with “yes” and began to rise from my seat when I was interrupted.

Mr James proceeded, “oh and Niall, can you help her please? I know the best feeling for a girl is being paired with your crush so…”

Stuttering with my words, I managed to say “n-no, it’s not like t-that! I-I just won-wondered so-something” which obviously wasn’t a very convincing statement. Apparently this was amusing to Mr James as he could barely obtain an upright position. Thank; You; So; Much. Sarcasm implied.

At this point, my cheeks were unbelievably red from embarrassment so I sunk back down in my chair. On the contrary, everyone else burst into fits of laughter and mockery, pulling kissy faces and chanting god knows what. Immature twats. I sent an apologetic look in Niall’s direction then bowed my head down in embarrassment. Once done so, I saw a stray note on my desk. I could’ve sworn that wasn’t there before? Opening it up, my eyes almost fell out of their sockets. It said:

“Meet us at the warehouse on Chelsea Road at 5pm…If you don’t, there WILL be consequences. ~your worst nightmare”

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