Chapter 5: Here Goes Nothing!

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Sophie's P.O.V - (First Person!)

Waking up the next morning was horrific, like experiencing a hangover yet having no alcohol in your system. It was still difficult for me to grasp onto the fact that I'm now homeless. A feeling of guilt flooded over me as I reminisced on past memories where I'd have walked past a homeless person and turned my nose up at them. I officially feel sympathy towards them, and regret to my old self. It's not nice being on the receiving end, I can tell you that. All the disgusted looks from snobbish people strolling past acting as though they rule the world, when in actuality they're no superior to us all. I guess I never really understood that concept considering I used to be on the conceited side but I guess I'm seeing things in a new light since, whole life fell apart. It's made me really think about what I had. Well there you have it, you really don't know what you've got until you lose it...I just wish I hadn't taken it all for granted.

My muscles were aching like mad so I could barely move without bringing further pain to some part of my body than what was tolerable. It was as though there was a sort of numbing sensation tingling throughout the supposed-to-be strong parts of my body, which definitely didn't seem normal; but then again, what is normal about my life anymore?!

Don't ask me how because I don't quite know, but the thought of school unexpectedly exploded in my head, all excitement and insecurities I contain in my brain (rhyme! xD) bursting at the seams. I'm pretty sure panic overcame all my features as I realised how unprepared I was for these next few hours to come. I don't even own a pen at this moment in time; not a good start to be quite honest.


After spending around 10 minutes chanting "everything will be ok" over and over again under my breath, I finally built up enough courage to...walk through the school gates. I guess my encounter with the callous cows the other day worried me about everyone else, even though I already know people as benevolent as Niall attend here. I hope I don't bump into those girls again; that's probably my worst fear for today! Though I am paranoid about the other abusive language that I'll be victim to due to my clothes...Well I'm here now, I guess there's not much I can do but face my fears and enter. Here goes nothing...

A/N - I don't normally do Authors Notes but I feel it's necessary to say SORRY for it being such a short crap filler chapter, I have to go :(

Next chapter on Wednesday!

Interesting one aswell ;)

Revenge! (Harry Styles Fanfiction) *NOT CONTINUING*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang