Chapter 3: Like A Skyscraper!

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Sophie's P.O.V - (First Person!)

*A Few Hours Later*

All my tears have been shed; I don't think it would be possible to cry any more even if I tried. I should probably catch you up on past events, so here goes. Basically after running for a couple miles, my legs gave out and I practically collapsed into a heap on the floor. Not that any of the public decided to lend me a hand, THANKS FOR THAT! Remind me not to help anyone else out ever again. Jeez. Anyways, so I kind of just sat there. Nobody seemed to mind, they just walked around me as if I wasn't even there. And that brings me up to where I am now, still in that exact same place. Except I've been crying for the last few hours. I'll never see my parents again...ever. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. 

I uncurled from the ball I had formed with my body as some strange kind of defence mechanism and began to look around me. I can only imagine what sort of emotional wreck I looked like though, considering I could feel my eyes stinging from all the mascara that had seeped into them whilst in my vulnerable state. Not much was really around me, and it must have been getting late as the sun had almost set. Plus, I was absolutely FREEZING. Bloody England. 

The streets were vacant, no human movement occurring whatsoever. The silence was eerie, and I just felt so out of place. I'm normally the loud, bubbly kind but apparently, not anymore. I think my parents were responsible for the majority of my personality; they sucked the fun loving girl out of me when they…went. What do I do with my life now?! There's no way in hell I'm going back to my 'friends'. I bet they haven't even realised I'm gone, inconsiderate twats. 

I heard the slight whistling of the wind along with one stray carrier bag floating along through the air, peacefully. How I wish I could be like that, and that I could just float away.

Suddenly, there were footsteps...I know footsteps are barely audible, but it just goes to show how truly silent this street is. As the mysterious figure began making its way towards me, I managed to hear a slight humming mumbling its way through his lips. 'His' you ask me? Well, I always had an ear for music, and I can tell that this is a male humming. The tune seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

As he casually walked past me, I noticed his eyes drift towards me for a slight second before a disgusted look filled his features. As quick as it had happened, his eyes darted away. Ouch. I'm not that bad am I?? Argh, who am I kidding!! I glanced down at myself feeling ashamed, but at that exact moment, I heard the most angelic singing float out of the stranger’s mouth.

♫ You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground, like a Skyscraper. ♫

Taking a not-so-discrete look up towards him, I noticed his eyes looking directly at me. Then he wondered away, as if nothing had happened. What had just happened?! Was that directed towards me?! Me being the unhealthily curious person I am, I followed him. This could be the best or the worst decision of my life.

As I was beginning to catch up with him, multiple thoughts raided my mind. What if he's a rapist?! What if he's a paedophile?! What if-

Enough with the negative thoughts, I'm here now and there's no going back!

"Um, err...hi?" great start Sophie, real smart. 

"Hey, um…are you alright?" wow, I knew his singing voice was amazing but wow...his voice wasn't majorly deep as I expected, but wasn't a high-pitched girly pitch. I'm not sure what I'd do if it was. Probably pee myself with laughter...He had a familiar accent but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I don't think it was from around here though!

"’re staring..." shoot, I'm such an idiot for overthinking things...annnnnd here comes the blush. Perfect Sophie, bloody perfect.

"Err, I was just wondering...back then, when you sang that song...was it directed to me?" your such an idiot, your such an idiot, your such an idiot; I repeated that multiple times in my head as soon as the words had left my mouth. I expected for it to sound stupid, but that was just beyond belief. Surprisingly, it was his time to blush. Well, that most definitely WASN'T expected.

"Sort of...I just, I saw your eyes were all puffy so I knew you'd been crying, and it was clear it had been for more than just a few minutes. I thought to myself how broken you looked, like a shattered piece of glass…I know this is weird but you'll get yourself back on track, I know you will...kind of like a skyscraper! Plus, I’m listening to that song right now.."

WOAH, talk about deep!! 

", thanks?" I began shyly. "It was a really sweet gesture, but with no job, friends or complete education, I don't think I'll get very far." I stated truthfully.

"No complete education?" He replied.

"Well yeah, I just walked out on everything, hence the clothes." I pointed down to my tattered clothes. "So now I'm here..."

"There's a school round the corner, my wonderful self goes there actually." He added a cheeky wink for effect. "The people there are pretty nice and know how to have a laugh. Try joining there? That'll sort your education and friends" He replied in a friendly gesture, completely opposite to the jokingly arrogant personality he portrayed moments ago.

"I'll give it a shot, thanks!"

He turns away and started to walk after receiving my reply, which sort of shocked me as it was so sudden, then pulls his hoody back over his head which he had previously removed when I began the conversation. As I was turning, I heard a shout. I glanced back around and saw his faint figure fading, along with some words being screamed out from his mouth, before he turned back around and sprinted down the road.

I managed to make out his words though...I think.


Did I just make a friend?

Revenge! (Harry Styles Fanfiction) *NOT CONTINUING*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя