Be Our Guest Part 2

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       Tony sat in his chair eyes glued to the red headed girl who was slowly pushing him towards insanity throughout this dreadful night. Tonight tony was supposed to sweep pepper off her feet, make her feel like she was living in a fairytale but he couldn't. Aldrich killan had beat him to it. Aldrich freakin Killan was twirling pepper around the dance floor. Just as he was three hours ago. Tony was a bit peeved. He didn't think the scumbag should be dancing with anybody, much less his Pepper.The rational side of Tony reminded him that the guy wasn't really that bad. He had always treated tony kindly, friendly even and he was gentlemen. Unfortunately tony was not in the mood to be rational, he was in the mood to silently criticize the two from afar. When did he become so childish? Oh yeah it started when they got to this stupid charity dinner.

     After about thirty minutes all of the guest had arrived and tony was delighted to see his partner in crime (literally) James Rhodes. Or, to Tony's preference, Rodney He had rushed over and talked to Rodney when he first saw his best friend enter. Then Tony dragged him over to Pepper nonchalantly introducing him to girl he's talked about for the past three weeks. This idea proved to be bad when Rodney stuck out his hand and greeted pepper with "it so nice to meet the women who tony happens to be infatuated with." Tony and Pepper became twin tomatoes and tony quickly whisked Rodney away once more mumbling inch orderly about drinks. He had reprimanded a laughing Rodney for three minutes about the previous introduction before walking back to there table. That's all it took.

          Three minutes.

     Suddenly Pepper was out on the dance floor looking like a fairytale princess. That's when tony noticed she was with a boy, who in Tony's opinion was defiantly not her Prince Charming. But he hadn't been angry. Not even annoyed. He knew when asked to dance saying anything but yes would be rude. Pepper would dance with Aldrich for two possibly three dances and then be back near him. Where she should be. Three hours after three dances, well tony believes he deserves to be angry. Everything was Aldrich's fault. Tony's rude replays to dance request came from his anger. Tony's anger came from Pepper being nowhere near him all night. Pepper was nowhere near him all night because Aldrich had her trapped on the dance floor. So the nights entire events where because of Aldrich Killan. Rodney laughed "Aw come on man" he said while poking Tony's side "it's not his fault, and besides you wouldn't have asked pepper if she had only given him two dances." "Of course I would have" tony shot back " no you wouldn't have and I know that because there's this thing called cutting in" "well maybe I forgot about that."

     "Well know you remember so go cut in" a smirking Rodney challenged. Tony gave him best glare to let Rodney know he would think of a way to cause him serve bodily damage if he said one more thing. Rodney laughed but suddenly stopped. "I know it's hard man." He said while clapping tony on the shoulder "especially for you. People don't know iron patriot, I'm just the wingman. All the villains know Tony stark. And while I am so glad you finally found someone you truly care about, you were right to make that no serious dating rule. I mean look what happened to peter. It only takes one time where the villain surprises you and poof their gone. Do you really want to take that risk with pepper?" Tony stared at the girl clad in blue intently before sending a weak smile to Rodney. "I love her" he said "and it's because I love her that I can't let her get hurt. If I don't stay away from her, she will get hurt." There was a moment of silence where both boys just stared at the redhead coming to terms with the fact that they couldn't have that fairytale romance. At least not yet.

     "But you know Tony, it sure is funny when you get jealous" Rodney teased the brunette genius with a smirk. "I was not jealous" tony scoffed "I just simply didn't trust the guy, gives me a bad feeling" "yeah called jealousy" "I was not jealous" "your jealous" "am not" "jealous" "nope" "jealous" "don't think so" "Jealous" "am not" the boys bickered unaware that a certain girl could hear them. "Oh Aldrich this has been fun but honestly I'm not a heels type of girl and I don't think I can take anymore dancing. Do you wanna get some drinks?" "Of course" "great I'll meet you at your table" Pepper smiled making sure Aldrich's back was turned before she headed for his table. which happened to conveniently be only three rows behind hers. She stopped next to tony before bending down to his ear. "Jealous." she whispered before gliding off the Aldrich's table. Rodney smiled at his friend before going to grab drinks. Oh yes Pepper Potts knew how she was playing him. She knew it hurt him to see her with someone else. Yet there she was laughing and flirting with Aldrich Killan. Tony was sure that he did not like it.


     "Uh... Hi guys"

*screams and runs away from torches and weapons*

"Okay hold on let me talk then you may kill me. First off I am not the owner of marvel or iron man or any of the characters used in this. Next I am sooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated I've been extremely busy with sports and advanced classes then I took a mental vacation during this summer and did nothing related to school (except reading), but I'm back and I promise I will be updating more often. Finally I hope you guys liked This chapter. The idea of tony being jealous just kinda worked and so I basically rambled throughout the whole thing but hey whateves. I've decided to do this thing Ahhhh.........what did I say about throwing the weapons people, honestly! Anyways I've decided to do this thing where I leave part of the next chapter up to you guys so here's the first one yay!

At the end of the chapter tony was kinda pisses at pepper because she was toying with his feeling so we have two options...

Pepper can reflect on her version of the ball and feel guilty about toying with tony and go apologize


Pepper can reflect on the ball get pissed at tony for avoiding her and basically go cuss him out and say he should've just asked her to dance.

Neither one Will end their current feeling or weaken them. Just comment which one you want below and I see which one gets the most votes!"

*starts raising torches*

"Now if we did that there wouldn't be a story"

*grumbling lowers weapons and trudges home*

*le victory dance*

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