Can't we just talk?

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Make sure to check out my other stories 

Safety Net and Secrets are the soul killers


I recommend listen to : Tessa from transformers age of extinction or My Blood by Ellie Goulding if you want music for this chapter.


 Tony walked into the large mansion with a cheery smile on his face. He had once again saved the wonderful city of New York from destruction; if he's being completely honest he looked pretty good doing it too. He strolled into the dining room where he was greeted warmly by both the Potts and his own parents. He nodded respectively their way before bending down to kiss his mother's cheek.

"Dinner smells amazing!" He smiled at the two women in the room.

"Well there's a big steaming plate with your name on it right through those doors." his mother pointed out.

Suddenly a large crash, as if someone had shattered glass, was heard from said kitchen. All adults looked at each other with wary glances. They stood up simultaneously before walking hurriedly towards the white French doors. Their steps were quick and purposeful. Tony was confused if everyone was at this table, then what could possibly have happened to make them so worried. The answer hit him like a ton of bricks.


suddenly he was racing for the door. Fearsome thoughts flushed through his brain. What if they took her. What if her being here was enough for them to believe we shared something more than friendship. What if they hurt her.

With that final thought I tore through the door, my pluse quickened because all I could see was thick red blood. before I could completely panic I noticed that it was oozing from two pale feet. I breathed a sigh of relief before allowing the other horrible questions consume me. What happened?

The voices around me were no longer useless murmurs and I could make out the adults fussing over her as they asked what had gone wrong. Pepper was staring in shock and fear at the television screen. She also was caught in a daze;awoken by the loud words from our parents.

She seemed to take in the scene for the first time as she audibly gasped. Her cerulean blue eyes widened as she bent to help remove shards of the broken plate from both the floor and her feet.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened" Pepper repeated the sentence like a mantra as a red blush stained her cheeks. As I took a step towards her she looked up. Almost as if she'd somehow sensed my presence. I held contact throughly confused, there was something off about the way she was looking at me. Her gaze looked startled and anguished. She looked at me as one would look at a person who was doomed; they way you look at someone you know won't be alive much longer. I tried to ask her with my eyes what I'd done to give her such a haunted expression. But her face didn't change, it was as though she was looking through me. As if to her all she could see was a memory of me. Like she was was visualizing a different time. Aside from the parents talking I heard the sound of facts and cheer that I immediately knew was the news. Pepper was so caught up looking at me it was as though she couldn't hear or process anyone else. The thought gave me shivers. I turned my head away breaking our previous staring contest. I could still feel her eyes, looking through every part of me.

Suddenly my eyes focused on the television we had placed to the right of the stove. On the screen was me.....

Well not me, but the red and gold suit I used on a daily basis. Suddenly it all made since, why Pepper was looking at me the way she was. She had turned with her plate in hand and seen the television broadcast. Since the news vans got there after the police threw the maniac in the back of their cars, I knew it couldn't have been him that spooked her. But then what?

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