Just Not That Into You

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    It was 3:45 p.m. and Pepper was still listening for the sound of tony's tires on the gravel drive. He had left around 9:00 with his father and had made it a point to pretend she didn't exist. Pepper wanted to be mad. Storm down the spiral steps when he returned and chew him out. Thinking like that however only made her feel guilty because she knew exactly what she had done to Tony. It started a week before the ball.

   Pepper had giving up on her plan of avoiding the younger stark and was now determined to make him hers. She started to flirt, but by Wednesday Tony still showed no recognition. So she paid a bit more attention to the girls she knows he had previously gone out with and found that they all used more...physical flirtation techniques. So when they worked on group assignments in class she always snatched the spot next to him and would slyly brush their hands together when passing around supplies. On their walks home pepper would smile and chuckle at Tony's stories and gently place her hand on his bicep when giving her own input. The few times they studied Pepper would always scoot her body over on his bed so that they were side by side. flesh to flesh.

Still nothing changed

   "I don't know Mira, maybe he's just not into me like that." i said sadly to the brunette who had become my best friend. "Are you kidding me?!" Mira looked at me with one eyebrow raised above her glasses "I haven't seen Tony Stark blush since pre-k, when you around it's all he does." "maybe i just make him uncomfortable." i shot back "Oh yes that would explain why he looks at you every freakin second, admit it pepper you in love and he is too." i blushed deeply before looking across to his table. blue meet brown before we looked away. "What do i do?" I pleaded " i've tried every ploy in the book." "Not every ploy" Mira looked at me wickedly. I raised a eyebrow.

   "Have you even seen Tony Stark jealous?"

------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------

   Pepper watched as Rodney laughed hysterically at a red Tony who was clearly lecturing him on his choice of words in pepper's greeting. She however thought his words were perfect. The only way they could sound any better was if they came from Tony himself. Those words don't change anything she remembered with a frown you want Tony to make a move you have to show him just what he's missing.

   So there she was dancing with the same man as three hours ago and pepper was honestly beat. the stilettos were killing her feet and while Aldrich's intellectual conversation topics were fascinating she found herself missing tony's lame puns and jokes. Over the night she had watched his expression go from intrigued to confused and finally angry. Pepper felt a sharp stab to her chest when she looked over to find Tony Stark with a pained expression on his face. She quickly twirled Aldrich over near the two amigos to try to catch a glimpse of the conversation. She was pretty pleased when she heard the two arguing over the fact that Tony was indeed (which he obviously denied) jealous. She glowed while pulling her partner to a stop. "Oh Aldrich, this has been fun but honestly, i'm not a heels type of girl and i can't take anymore dancing. Do you wanna get some drinks?" he smiled before saying "of course" "great" pepper replied "I'll meet you at your table."

   She waited till he was out of sight then scrambled off the floor and over to Tony. She smirked before bending down so that her lips were next to his ear. she made sure they brushed his ear as she whispered "jealous" sending shivers through his body. if only she had realized how much that word had hurt him. After rethinking it for the eighth time Pepper decided that the whole evening was Tony's fault. He could have cut in at any time instead of sitting their the whole time. Or asked before Aldrich, or even have made a move before the all that way she was already his.

   Her stomach rumbled. All this thinking had really stirred up her appetite. she walked dow the stairs into the stark's kitchen. Normally pepper would go for a healthy choice, but today she did't care. which was why her leftover curls were tied up in a messy bun and her outfit was a pink yoga top with black sweats. she threw a piece of cheese pizza in the microwave and nibbled on it while walking threw the living room. "good morning Pepper" she gave the woman a closed lip smile "hello mrs.Stark" the mother then went back to reading the daily paper. pepper hesitated before deciding that she should just go for it. "Sorry to interrupt mrs.Stark, but do you have any idea when Tony will be back?" Mrs.Stark smiled "tony has been back since noon dear" she replied "He's down in his workroom" she said as she pointed to another spiral staircase. "Thank you" "anytime dear" with that Pepper descended the stair case preparing herself for the discussion that was about to happen. When she reached the bottom she found a clear glass door covered in computerized projections. She walked inside but was dumbstruck when she didn't find Tony but a bunch of suits. And not the black and white kind but metal suits.


   Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you all for reading and please leave comments below with any ideas or request for the story! I want you guys to enjoy this fan fiction as much as possible.

   Anyway in this chapter we can kinda tell that pepper is gonna figure out Tony's secret. So two things can happen either

Pepper can figure out his secret on her own


Tony will have to explain the secret to pepper

   comment your favorite below.

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