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it had been two weeks since pepper had come to terms with her feelings for tony. She knew she liked him, but there was never any choice. Pepper had always pictured herself with a smart, caring, handsome man. Tony was the exact opposite he was sarcastic and immature. Pepper never fully understood why she had the feeling he was hiding something but it was always there, his nervous scoutings of the room and whispers to himself. "Annnnd done!" Pepper snapped out of her thoughts nearly jumped into the curling iron. "Pepper, you look absolutely beautiful" her mother sighed " Well its all because of you mom" pepper smiled half-heartdly. Tonight the Kavughas had invited over the Starks and the Potts for some charity dinner. It was not exactly the fairytale ball Pepper wanted to attend, especially since her tony would be going too. Pepper took a second to admire herself in the mirror. her blue eyes went perfectly with her flaming hair. and the light makeup made her cheekbones pop. she leaned a little closer to see the different strands coming out of her eyes.

Tony sighed as his father walked out of his room. It was the third time this week he had reminded tony to be nice to pepper, make her feel welcome. Tony wanted to scream. Pepper had been avoiding him since the catch in her room, that much was obvious. He wanted to know why. Just one explanation and he would leave her alone. But no, pepper just had to send his mind into hazy circles. Tony would never admit this, but he kinda liked the fact that he couldn't figure her out. She was his biggest challenge. His own personal drug. so addictive, so tempting. Which was also the reason he should be grateful for pepper's sudden distance. no matter the reason; by being away from him she was safe. He pushed off the bed and walked out of his room. Mr.Stark and Mr.Potts were waiting by the door and he prayed that the girls would hurry so he could escape his only temptation. Mrs. Potts and Mrs.Stark walked down together. "Give Pepper five more minutes" Mrs.Stark said "The curling processes took longer than expected." Tony Gulped, he knew seeing pepper tonight wouldn't be easy but the task of staying away got a lot harder as she began her descent down the stairs.

Pepper felt beautiful. Anyone who looked at her could see why. So it wasn't surprising when Tony's mouth visibly drooped and his eyes bugged out, but never left her. Her red hair felt in curly Q's down to her middle back. Her blue eyes were brought out by the different shades of nude and white eyeshadows. Her cheeks were a rosy red. Her lips a faint pink. but her dress was the real eye catcher. It was a violet-blue ball gown. It flowed outward from the waist down, but was tight fitted on her upper half. It had a crisscross design and showed off all of her curves. Tony was too love struck too her peppers compliments. He couldn't form a proper sentence until they reached their limo. Tony opened the door with a smile "M'lady" pepper smiled and moved towards the vehicle. Suddenly she stopped. "You never did say what you think of my outfit." "you look amazingly beautiful" tony replied without thinking. he felt his face turn tomato red. Pepper smirked "why thank you mr.stark" she gracefully stepped into the limo as tony realized she knew exactly what she was doing to him. She was playing him. He wanted to hate her, but she was making it really difficult in that dress. Tony realized no matter what she wore it would take his breath away. He couldn't deny that he liked the feeling.

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