Iron Heart

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All rights go to marvel!


Tony's P.O.V.

I stood in the hallway with my friends. I could hear the endless chain of voices closing in on our arrival. As the car pulled up, boys started grip owning as girls started winking.......... And the flirting vegans. If you haven't guessed yet me and my friends are "popular", in fact we are known as bad news around this school. They were the ones who would kiss...then ditch. If you know what I mean. And if you don't.......well my friend you are incredibly dense. As soon as they reached us my friends turned on that dumb attitude only getting the cheerleaders attention. I however gained all the girls, from every clique. Why? It's simple really. Not only am I super athletic and good looking (if I do say so myself), but I also am a intellectual genius. Who am I?

My name is Tony Stark. And I am.............. The son a genius weapons inventor.

(Haha comment if you guessed Iron Man)

Time skip 10 min.

We were by our lockers when I heard Jake whistle. Before I tell you what happens next let me introduce my friends. There's Andrew the swim captain. He was tall and fit with deep chocolate brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. He was the good boy for our group.... In other words one of the two out of the six of us to keep a girl and make it official. Then there was Charlie, the Basketball varsity captain. Charlie had almost no muscle, but the kid was fast with the ball.he had jet black hair and these weird violet eyes that attracted girls ( to me there just creepy, makes me think he's a vampire.....wonder why girls would want a guy like that?). He used his eye to that advantage, had a new girl every week. Next was Nick, the hockey captian. Nick was buff and tall. He had brown hair and electric blue eyes that seemed to radiate anger. Despite his eyes and buff-ness he was a pretty sensitive guy he has had a steady girlfriend for three years, with no cheats. Next is Owen, captain of the soccer team. He was tall and caculating, he always waited for his girl to do something wrong to leave them. He had blonde hair and lime green eyes. He had a steady girlfriend once, but after she cheated, the longest anyone lasted was two weeks. Jake, now where do I began to explain Jake. He is the captian of the lacrosse team, big, burly, and MEAN! He hat a 50's greaser style in his jet black hair and grey eyes that were always narrowed.... The longest any girl lasted with him was four days, tops. As for me, I am the captain of the varsity team here at Madison high. I have brown hair that pokes up in the front and deep brown eyes. I'm the worst in our group, the longest anyone's lasted with me is one day.....tops.

"Damn. She is fine" Jake cooed. I was facing my locker but I could already tell, new girl. I didn't care, they all came up to me at one point or another and to be honest it gets annoy. Then all the other boys said "yea she's really pretty". Pres pause and rewind! Pretty, they thought the new girl was Pretty. Usually it was hot, smoking, or sexy. But NEVER had all my friends called a girl pretty! I turned around I had to see this girl. I saw the new girl talking to Mira, the smartest girl in our class. She was pretty, no scratch that. Beautiful? No. She's Perfect! She had strawberry blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail that reached her middle back. She wearing a white button up satin shirt that framed her petite figure perfectly. She wore it with black skinny jeans and nude color flats. She was thin, but you could see some muscle. She had thin eyebrows and crystal blue eyes that were filled with joy, yet discipline. She had thin lips in a smile and perfectly white teeth. She was perfect.

I was too dumbstruck to say anything but then she turned our way. She was concentrated on reading her schedule when jakes hand reached out and grabbed her perfectly round butt. She turned around and he winked "Pick you up at 8:00, ph and don't be late". Whenever he said that girls melted, so I prepared to excuse myself because I could feel the jealousy when she raised her hand and smacked him straight up, leaving a bright red mark. "You ever touch me again and I'll make sure you won't be late for a beating you surely deserve. At this point me and all the other guys were on the floor rolling around laughing so hard while nick was shouting "thank you, you just made my day for sure!!!!" Before joining us once again in a laughing fit.

I thought this day was as good as it could get when the angel hissed "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find a Tony Stark". At this I stopped laughing along with the rest of my friends and smilies evilly "I'm listening" at this she turned to me frustration in her eyes. "NO!!!! YOU CANNOT BE THE FOUR POINT O GPA TONY STARK!" She screamed so loud my eardrums practically burst. "Sorry to disappoint." I shot back "now what do want?". "Your father told me to tell you to wait by the tree after school for me" "now why would I do that?" I questioned enjoying the anger slowly raging through her whole body "My father's co-worker and his family are joint our household today, I really should help!". "Sadly, Mr. Stark that family is mine, thank you for the help" she noted the sarcasm heavily in her voice as she turned and stomped off. I smiled for the first time the new girl found me..., and I enjoyed it. Now she would be living with me. I was in heaven. peppers outfit

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