chapter 7.

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Sarah looked at Jareth, with a confused face that was a little distant.

"Sarah, please come out of the window. You are getting your room all wet." Jareth told her.

Sarah grabbed Jareth's hand and came out of the window.  Jareth led Sarah out of her room and into the bathroom.  Jareth snapped his fingers and Sarah was in a different outfit and all dry.

"I will talk to Sarah for a minute Jareth. I do this every time since then." Luna says as she walks over to Sarah. 

Jareth walks out of the bathroom and into the living room.

"Sarah you still have Toby. He is still alive. He survived but he is in a coma. I know you are still devastated. You still have a chance to save him. You can't be like this when he comes out of his coma. Just remember you have to visit him tomorrow. Do you hear me?!!" Luna screamed.

Sarah nodded her head in understanding.

"Good. Now go talk to Jareth because he has a lot of questions. And trust me  they are good and bad questions. " Luna laughed.

Sarah nodded and got up and walked into the living room. 

"What do you want to know, Jareth?" Sarah asked.

Luna came up behind Sarah and put her hands on her shoulders.   Jareth looked between Luna and Sarah.

Sarah returns to the Goblin KingWhere stories live. Discover now