Yet Another Stranger

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I woke up with the sun shining in my face, I looked down, a pool of blood was stained into the ground, I was still on the barbed wire, on the fence. I cried to myself, I was stuck up here, I didn't even know when the man would come back, if he would come back. I closed my eyes, then opened then again, nothing. I kept trying, maybe he'd appear, after a few more tries I gave up. "Help! Please!" I yelled, I kept yelling until it became just a hoarse whisper, he was probably back in the mansion, he probably couldn't even hear me. I started crying, then I heard footsteps, slow, coming this way. "Hello?" I cried, hoping they would help me. The footsteps became faster, a man ran up to me, his jaw dropped when he saw me. He was tall, with a long, brown beard, and short, brown hair. He looked kinda like a lumberjack, and I think he was, he had a large axe in his backpack, which explains the tree stumps. "Are you okay?..." He asked walking up to me, "No! Please, help me!" I cried, "Ok, hold on." he pulled his axe out of his backpack and held it up to me, "Grab on." he said. I struggled to move my arm towards the axe, I grabbed onto it, "Please be gentle." I whispered, he chuckled, "Look kid, I can either be gentle, or I can get you out." I closed my eyes and cringed as he started pulling, my clothes ripped, my skin ripped, there was blood everywhere, then there was a pop. I fell to the ground into a pool of blood, the man helped me up, "Thanks." I said, wiping some of the blood off me, "No problem, how'd you get up there in the first place?" I looked up at the barbed wire, then back to him, "Some weird man threw me up there with big, black tentacles." his face went blank, "A tall man, with white skin and no face, wearing a black tuxedo?" I nodded, I was actually surprised he didn't think I was crazy. "Wait you met Slenderman?! Sit down, tell me everything!"

The man sat there with a shocked expression on his face, "That's insane. Perhaps I should introduce myself, my name is Matt, or as everyone in my town calls me, 'Crazy Old Man Matt'" I giggled, "Why do they call you that?" he sighed, "Because everyone thinks I'm insane, I heard of Slenderman many years ago, I devoted my life to finding him, to the point of insanity. I was just about ready to give up, but then I found the very reason I could never find him, he doesn't exist." I was confused, "I don't get it, then who was that?" he smiled, "He doesn't exist, in our universe, this forest, it's not from our universe, it's a whole separate universe. He teleports into our universe, then steals people, forcing them to roam forever here until death. He must have spared you because you were hurt, then left you out here to die after you were healed." I was slowly starting to understand, "Now Charlotte, if there is still a small part of me that's sane, then there's a chance that if you can lead me to the mansion, we can find a way back." I looked back at where the mansion was, "But what if Slenderman finds us?" Matt looked at the ground. "Let's just hope he doesn't."

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