Get Them and Go

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Matt's P.O.V.:
I ran as fast as I could away from that place, not daring to look back. Of course all I could really think of was Charlotte, but I had to think about the pages, and making sure I got all of them so Charlotte and I could both make it out of here. Tears were still stained onto my face, I couldn't believe I had just left her there, in the arms of that monster, I know she told me to but was she really thinking straight? I only prayed she was okay, and I could get the pages in time. I was questioning how many pages we actually had to find, Slender said 3 more, but why should we believe him? I mean, isn't he the one trying to kill us? But then again, he took Charlotte in when she was injured, so maybe he was telling the truth because he felt bad for her, or maybe he knows there is no way for us to get the pages anyways. I came across a strange looking building, it was just 4 corners, two walls intersecting. I circled it until I saw a page in one of the corners, I walked up to it, it read "Leave Me Alone" with a little drawing of a tree, or maybe it was Slender, these weren't the most detailed pictures. Of course I thought of Charlotte when I saw it, I could imagine her screaming in pain, shouting those words at him in a desperate attempt to escape. I shook my head to try to forget that thought, I grabbed the page then ran away from the building, searching for the (hopefully) last 2 pages. I had found the 3rd page on a tank of, I think, gasoline, and this one at some weird building, Charlotte found the first at a big tree, the 5th at that weird building, and I don't know the 2nd or 4th. Was there a pattern I was missing? I assume just look for something that stands out and a page will probably be there. I stepped up to a big truck, it was obviously too broken to work, I mean, why would Slenderman keep a working truck here? I guess it could work with a key, which we don't have, I just need to stop overthinking things. I walked around it and saw a page hidden in it, "Help Me" I took it from the truck and stared at it, trying to hold back my tears. What if this was a warning? What if something happened to Charlotte and she needs help? I contemplated it to myself, then decided to go and get her, either way, if I only need one more page, then she needs to be with me. I don't know what will happen if we get all the pages, if I get them alone, what if I'm not able to get Charlotte and she gets stuck here? I couldn't risk it, I started running in the direction of the building, clutching my axe in my hands, I had picked it up before I had ran out of the room, I'm not running out here unarmed. I wanted to yell to Charlotte, but I couldn't let Slender hear me, I knew something was terribly wrong when I saw the trail of blood exiting the building. I followed it back inside, right to the room Charlotte was in. When I saw her, I had to force myself not to scream, or we'd be caught. She was laying in a big puddle of blood, I bent down to her, her shirt was completely soaked in blood. I hesitated, then lifted up her shirt to look, I wiped the blood away and cried at what I saw, carved into her chest. "Why don't you just die?!" I pulled her shirt all the way off, then I placed my backpack on the ground. I pulled off my jacket and wrapped it around the words on her chest, tying it tightly so the bleeding would hopefully stop, or at least slow down. Then my eyes fell down to her legs, more importantly, her knees. They had been stabbed, she couldn't walk, I sighed to myself, she's lost a lot of blood, I thought, what if she's?... NO! I can't think that! She can't be... I looked at her, then turned away, I couldn't take her pulse, what if she was...? I took a deep breath, I had to, there's no use in carrying her around like this if I'm not certain. I bent down and grabbed her wrist, putting two fingers up to it. Then I waited, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds. Then I felt something, a little beat, she was alive, but just barely. I grabbed her, crying, "You're gonna be okay Charlotte, we're gonna get out of here." I slipped my backpack on my shoulders, then I cradled her in my arms, I didn't know what to do. Look for the final page, or find someplace to help Charlotte? But where would I do that? I thought about the mansion, but going in there would be suicide. I decided to look for the last page, if we got out of here, then I could bring her to a hospital. I walked around, looking for something, I heard a soft groan, Charlotte's eyes slowly opened, her usually bright, emerald-green eyes had faded to a darker color, like the dark leaves on the trees in this forest. She was breathing heavy, I placed my hand on her head, I pet her hair to try to make her feel better, "Shh," I whispered, "You're gonna be okay." Charlotte's eyes started wandering, she tried to say something, I put a finger up to her lips, "Shh, don't talk, you need to save your energy." I said to her, I looked up and saw a weird tube, well, half of a tube. I walked in, it was dark, then I saw it, the final page. I walked up to it, "Charlotte, look! It's the last one!" I cried to her, she of course wasn't that enthusiastic about it, I stared at the page for a bit. I saw a drawing of Slender, and it said, "No No No No No No No No No No No No" why'd it say 'No' so many times? I took the page from the wall, then quickly stuffed it in my pocket, I heard a sound echoing in the tunnel, "NYAHH!" I turned around and saw Slender charging at us. I ran but couldn't go that fast while holding Charlotte, she looked up at me, tears in her eyes, "No, don't worry, I'm not letting you go." I said. She reached into my backpack and grabbed my axe, then she held it up for me to take it, "What are you doing? I can't hold that while holding you." I asked, tears ran down her cheeks, then two words choked out of her mouth, the words repeated in my ears, and my heart seemed to stop. "Kill me."

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