The End.

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I slowly tried moving my arms, I was able to pull them to my sides. I pushed them on the ground and slowly lifted myself off the ground. Matt turned and looked at me, standing. "Impressive." He mumbled to himself, I looked around, I was standing, now what? I slowly walked away, maybe I could get a knife, I don't think I can take Matt's axe from him. Matt followed me, "Where are you going?" I didn't answer, I kept waking, then he grabbed my arm, "Oh no, you don't play that game with me. Where are you going?!" he sounded serious this time. "Nowhere, why? Is there somewhere I could go?" I hoped maybe I could get some information, he looked at me, slightly irritated. "No. But I do know that 'Nowhere' isn't where you're going." He pulled his axe up to my chest, "Now you want to tell me where you are really going?" I looked down at the axe, could I take it? I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to take it from him, but I didn't know what I could say to not make him suspicious. I quickly made up my mind. I threw my hands onto the axe, Matt tried to pull away, I wasn't strong enough to pull it. I suddenly looked at my legs, then at Matt, I had to play dirty. I kicked him in the crotch, he fell to the ground, tears in his eyes. I gripped the axe in my hands and looked down at him, helpless on the ground. For a second I saw myself on the ground, weak and helpless, was I really going to do this? What had I become? If I did this, how much better than Matt was I really? Matt was still on the ground, but I just couldn't do it, it wasn't me. I dropped the axe to the ground, then I walked away, tears in my eyes. "Wait. Charlotte." I heard Matt call behind me, I turned to look at him, he managed to pull himself up, "Thank you." he said, his eyes were wide, I guess he expected me to kill him. I smiled, then he opened his arms, for a hug. I looked at him, tears in my eyes, then I ran to him and joined him in the embrace. Then I felt in between my legs, his foot. My face went blank, tears fell down my face. I fell to the ground crying in pain. Matt giggled, "Not a virgin huh?" I was still curled up in a ball on the ground, "Because it sure felt like you were." I opened my eyes wide with fear, he knew I was lying. I flipped myself over, then saw him swinging the axe toward me, I instantly closed my eyes and raised my arms. I grabbed his arms and pushed, not daring to look at how close the axe was to me. I pushed as hard as I could, finally opening my eyes, I saw myself, pushing the axe towards me, my heart almost stopped, "What the...?" I whispered to myself, "Wait, what?" the other me whispered, I managed to turn the axe around and pin the other me to the ground, now I was the one pushing the axe to...myself? The other me opened her eyes and they were filled with fear and confusion, "What the...?" she whispered, "Wait, what?" I whispered to myself, suddenly the other me started crying, "Why, Charlotte? Why are you killing me?" her grip loosened as I pushed the axe through her chest, "Why?..." she whispered quietly. There were tears in her eyes, as she slowly faded away, and was replaced with Slenderman. I stepped back, then felt a hand on my back, it was Matt, "Wow Charlotte, great job. You're just like me." Matt said with a smile. I could barely breathe, or think. "What's going on?! What's happening?! I'm so confused!" I cried, Matt smiled at me, "You didn't feel like a virgin." I suddenly realized, was Matt a virgin? "" I started to run away, I heard the words repeat in my head, But beware, if you do this wrong. We will take your sanity and move along. I was crying as I met up with the fence and banged on it, "Let me out! Please!" I phased through the fence, I hesitated for a second, then I ran. I saw a police officer, talking to my parents. He held something in his arms, it was, me, my body. "I'm sorry Mr. And Mrs. Fitzgerald, we found this in the woods." I ran up to them and tried to get their attention, but then they started laughing. "Thank god, she was so annoying." My mom said, my dad nodded his head in agreement, "If I knew it was this easy to kill her, I would've grounded her years ago!" I covered my ears, "No! Stop!" I pleaded, the police officer giggled to himself, "Yes, she was annoying wasn't she? Quite dramatic if you asked me, running out in the woods, putting herself in danger, for what purpose? Did she think she'd get un-grounded?" I was crying, "Stop, please!" I ran back to the mansion, but the fence was gone. The forest was gone. The mansion was gone. Everything was gone. "Please! Make it stop!" I turned and saw Matt behind me, "Okay." then he swung his axe at my heart.

I woke up back in the woods, I saw Matt, holding his axe. "I'm sorry, Charlotte." He said, "I saw you, you were crying so much." I was confused, my heart was racing, I was still crying. "Calm down, Charlotte. This is real now. I was showing you what would happen, if you killed me, as you obviously want to do. Was it really worth it?" I shook my head, tears in my eyes. He walked up to me. "So do you know what you want to do?" I nodded my head. "What is it?" I looked up at him, crying, "Please...just kill me." Matt smiled, "You sure that's what you want?" I nodded, he smiled wider, "You made the right choice." he walked up to me, and I closed my eyes, "Goodbye, Charlotte." I heard the swing of the axe and felt it as it hit my chest. But this time, I didn't wake up.

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