Party { Thomas Imagine }

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You're at a party with the Gladers. You just met them a few days ago and you go to school with them, so you guys are good friends. One in particular stood out to you which is Thomas.

Other girls didn't seem much interested in him because Minho was there. You chose a great outfit to wear for the party; a lace white shirt with a bow on the back with a maroon skater-skirt.

You twirled around in front of your mirror, gazing at yourself. Not to be modest or anything, but you looked beautiful. You giggle as you imagine scenarios of you and Thomas together. He never paid much attention to you since that girl Brenda was always by his side.

You're not sure if they're dating or not, but one of your friends told you they weren't. You wrapped up your outfit by spraying some sweet smelling perfume. A grin forms in your face as you drove to the party. Finally you arrive.

When you opened your door, guys from every angle raked your body from top to bottom. Even Minho was taking a glance at you. You smile at him, and like always he rolled his eyes and looked away. You pushed opened the door and music blasted into your face.

There wasn't a lot of people just Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Chuck, Gally, Teresa, Aris, Rachael, Brenda and a couple of others. You scrolled into the living room to see Thomas wrestling Gally. When Thomas won, he looked up and stared at you. You stopped breathing for a second.

He smirked at you and said in his sexy voice, "Well shuck my luck. Y/N aren't you beautiful tonight?"

You snorted and replied, "Aren't I beautiful everyday?" Everyone laughed, Minho came over and gave you a high five.

"I teach her well," Minho said as he pointed to you. Thomas set his jaw and his eyes darkened a bit, he didn't say anything else. 'Oh no did I anger him,' you thought panicking inside.

Throughout the party you could feel Thomas's stares burning your back. He kept looking away when you looked at him. Frustrated you went to talk to Minho, since he was the only one who knew you liked Thomas.

You found him by the kitchen eating a hot dog while entertaining some girls. You stomped right to him, grabbed his wrist and tugged him away.

"Shuck face the hell you doing?!" Minho said in surprised as you take him outside.

"What's wrong with Thomas? He's ignoring me longer than usual!" You said frowning.

Minho chuckled and bit into his hot dog. "I'm not Thomas, you go ask him not me smart one." You shoved the hot dog up his face making him choke on it. "WOMAN CALM THE SHUCK DOWN," Minho shouted. "No my beautiful hot dog." He started to pick up the pieces, but you slapped his hand.

"Minhooooo help please!" You pouted. He sighed and nodded, "Fine come with me." We walked into the living room. Minho cupped his hand over his face and yelled, "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!!"

Everyone scrambled to the living room, making a huge circle. You sat next to Minho and you noticed Thomas was sitting next to Teresa and Brenda. You clenched your teeth, jealous that they got to be so close to him. Thomas's attention landed on you.

He glances over at Minho and his eyes harden as if he was angry. "Okay! Who wants to go first?!" Minho asked loudly. The chaos calmed down and pretty soon it was quietly enough for Minho to ask, "I ASKED WHO WANTS TO GO FIRST?! WE AIN'T GOT ALL DAY SHUCKFACES."

Chuck raises his hands up into the sky with a grin plastered on his faces. "Okay go Chucky," Minho said. Chuck dropped his hands and pointed at Thomas. "Truth or dare Thomas?" Thomas rolled his eyes looking bored and said, "Truth."

"Do you like Y/N?" Chuck asked as he smiled evilly. A hush fell through the group as everyone leaned forward to hear his answer. Thomas stared at me as he said, "Yes I like Y/N."

You gasp with surprised when the words came out of his mouth. You stopped breathing and the room was so quiet that you were afraid everyone could hear your loud heart beating.

"Yeah I like her," Thomas continued. "I've liked Y/N for a long time." The room was still quiet.

It was Minho who spoke first. "WOOOOO YEAHHHH," he shouted pumping his hand in the air. Your cheeks flooded with redness as you pull Minho down. "Shut the shuck up," you hiss at him. "What I was trying to help," Minho said innocently. You rolled your eyes as the room came alive again.

It was Thomas's turn to ask someone. He turned toward you with a slight smirk and said, "Truth or dare Y/N?"

Your heart was still racing when you replied, "Dare." Thomas's smirk got wider.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE SHUCK UP LISTEN TO THOMAS," Minho screams at the top of his lungs.

You jab him hard in the stomach hissing, "That's enough Minho!" The group fell into a silent hush again making me fear for what was coming. 'Please don't make me streak or do something stupid' you thought to yourself.

"I dare you to kiss me," Thomas said boldly. You stopped chewing on your nails at once. The moment you've been dreaming up was happening, was this some kind of dream? Your eyes got wide as Thomas came to sit next to you.

"But... But it'll be my first kiss," you gambled out. You mentally slapped yourself in the face. "I'll make it your last first kiss," Thomas said softly as he leaned forward. The air started getting hot around you. Your heart was pounding so hard you were afraid it'll pop out of your chest.

You felt Minho's hand rest on your back and it pushed you into Thomas making your lips collided with Thomas. You were surprised at first, didn't know how to react. His soft lips started nipping at yours making you let out a moan. Thomas's hands encircle your waist, pressing your body into his. You finally let yourself go, then you pressed into Thomas kissing him passionately as you earn a moan from him.

"Get a room guys!" Minho said in disgust. Your face turns bright red and you pull away from Thomas. He smiles at you and kisses your hand. He winks, walks back to his regular seat and said, "Maybe we should get a room."

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