Human Pyramid { Newt Imagine }

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You decided to go to your school's fantastic games practices. Fantastics is where each class grades competes with each other by games and dance competition.

You wanted to go because of your friend and since you had nothing better to do. The practice was held at this gym area . You finally got there, your best friend was waiting for you outside.

"Y/N you're here finally!" She said as she rushes you inside. A bunch of cool kids were hanging around throwing balls and having a good time. Your eyes averts to Newt, a cute British guy from your school.

He catches your glance and gives you a sweet smile. You looked away quickly and followed your friend around. "Guys we're going to start the human pyramid!" Your grade president announces.

Everyone scrambled to the mat, but you sat down on a chair next to the mat. "Okay who's going to be the base?" She asked. "We need strong people." Four guys rose their hands and went to go on the mat.

"Okay now we need three people," your president said. Your friend went and two more people. "Now two people."

"Okay now we need a top person, preferably a light weighted person," she said scanning the crowd. "Y/N can do it! She's the light weighted person here!" Your friend shouted.

You glared at her and shook your head nervously. "Come on please Y/N," people said. You let out a breath and gave in.

You hurried behind the people to get ready to go on top. Your other friend smiles at you as you waited for them to form the pyramid. Newt stands behind you making you shaking like a leaf.

"Okay! Now we need Y/N to go up," Your president says. She turns toward Newt and said, "Newt can you help carry Y/N up there?" Your heart stopped for a moment at the words.

"Sure!" He replied. Your eyes widen at the thought of his hand on you. Your friend puts out her hand and you put your feet on it. Suddenly Newt's hand grabs your waist and hoisted you up.

His hands encircles your waist perfectly and for a moment you lost your breath. You almost lost your footing but Newt gripped your waist a bit stronger and puts you back to balance. You got up on top and Newt's hand disappeared. You still felt the ghostly touch of his hands, so warm and strong. You let out a whimpered struggling to keep still.

"You're okay Y/N, I'll catch you if you fall," Newt said softly behind you. The group stayed up for 10 seconds before everyone fell. Newt grabbed you before you could fall down, hugging you tightly. You let out a breath of relief and said, "Thanks Newt."

You look up and his twinkling eyes stares back. He smiles and said, "Anytime." He walks away getting ready to do tug of war. You stare after him, and he suddenly turned around and winks at you. Your eyes widen and he turns away. "Aren't you glad you came with me?" Your best friend said smirking.

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