Fan Meeting { Dylan O'brien Imagine }

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Imagine (using I instead):
I was always a fan of Dylan when I first saw him on Teen Wolf. I loved his character and was so happy that he got the role for Thomas. Many girls from my school liked him, but to be honest most of them were sluts who just wanted a "hot" boyfriend.

They think they're all that and it really bugs me. Dylan deserves someone who actually loves him for him, not for his hotness. I sigh as I thought of the pretty sluts that like him. He used to go to my school, always with the popular kid. I had no chance with him anyway since I was an average book nerd reading the day away.

"Y/N did you hear that Dylan is having a fan meet tomorrow?" My best friend Cassie said excitedly.

My eyes widen and I shook my head. Cassie frowned and said, "My mom won't let me go since I have a bad grade in math."

Then she looks at me hopefully. "So can you go and get him to sign my pillow of him?!" I let out a smile and said, "Of course! I'll even get a video of him for you!" Cassie squealed and rushed in for a tight hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She screamed. "I have to go now bye y/n!"

I hung up and started to head to the public library. Finally I got there, all tired and sweating like a pig. I went to my usual seat which was in the far back of the kids area, no one could see me in here.

I dropped my backpack and went to hunt for a good book. I pulled out an interesting book from the shelf, skimmed through it and shoved it back. Then in the broad sunlight was a beautiful book staring back at me. I hurriedly rushed over and started to pull it out. But it wouldn't budge, someone on the other side was trying to take it too. I pulled harder but still no progress.

Finally the person on the other side spoke up. "Hey! Who's got my book?" A male voice asked. It was awfully familiar. I squinted my eyes and bark back, "It was my book first! Let go!" The person pulls again and the book slip from my hand. "Hey! It wasn't very nice of yo-" I started to say but was stopped when I saw the stranger's face.

"Y/n?!" He said in surprised. I gulped and felt my cheeks burning. "Dylan?" I managed to squeak out as we stared at each other.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god

I was fangirling in the inside but looked like a dead zombie staring at Dylan. He remembers my name! Oh my god oh my go-

"Y/n?" Dylan asked again and I snapped back to reality. "Uhhh hi what brings you here?" I said all formally. I tried to look cool by leaning to the side of the shelf but slipped and hit my head instead. Dylan laughs as I blushed furiously. Ugh I'm so stupid.

"I was just getting a book to keep me company," he said after laughing. I grimaced and looked away embarrassed.

"What about you y/n?" Dylan said as he skins through the book.

I smoothed down my shirt and fixed my hair. Damn it I should've brushed my hair. "Uh um... I was just... Uh getting a," I looked around the room. "a uh snack!" I stuttered.

He smiles at me and my heart stopped. "Come on, I'll buy you something it's on me," Dylan said walking to the other side of the shelf. He hooks his arm around mine and paraded to the snack bar.

Oh my god oh my god Dylan O'brien is buying me something and he's touching my arm!!! We sat down at a table and he stood up to get something. "What would you like to eat y/n?" Dylan asked over his shoulder.

"Anything is fine," I squeaked. He orders something and sat back down across from me. My eyes widen and I couldn't help but twiddle with my fingers.

After five long awkward silence I took up the courage to talk. "Soooo," I began. "Do you like cheese?" I mentally slapped myself for asking such a stupid question. This day is going great.
Dylan lets out a soft laugh and places his hand on his chin, leaning forward at me.

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