Valentine's Day { Minho Imagine }

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You're packing up enough clothes to sleep over at Minho's. It was Valentine's day and he invited you to come spend the day with him.

You couldn't stop smiling as you packed your things into a small bag. After you finished, you grabbed your car keys off the kitchen table, turned off all the nights and opened the front door.

A strong wind pushes you back in with droplets of rain blowing at your face. You let out a groan and shut the door close. 'Why is there a storm on this day?!' You thought to yourself. You shook your head and dialed in Minho's number.

He picks up right away. "Hey princess," he said. "What's wrong?" You let out a sigh as you whined, "Can you come pick me up? I hate driving in the rain."

He chuckles slightly and said, "Okay princess I'll come right away." You hung up and waited for him to come. Finally the door bell rang and you jumped up, hurried to the door and opened it. Minho stands in front of the door with a slight smirk.

You ran to him and hugged him tightly. His hands rubs your back as he kisses the top of your head. "Come on princess," Minho said as he pulls you into the car. Then you remembered you forgot your sweater at your house. You eyed the sweater Minho was wearing hoping he'll get the hint but he just babbled on about his friends Newt and Thomas.

"Minho the weather is making me cold," you said hugging yourself and pretended to shiver. He snorts and said, "I can't control the weather woman!"

You couldn't help but let out a laugh even though you wanted to be mad at him. You punched him playfully as he takes off his sweater. His undershirt accidentally came up, flashing his abs for a second. Your eyes widen at the sight but it was gone as quickly as it came.

You put on the sweater and Minho's lovely scent surrounded you into it's embrace. You snuggled into the sweater as Minho drove to his house, you were a bit surprised that he wasn't cold.

You have never seen him shirtless before because you weren't that kind of girl, and the fact that you guys have been going out for a few months.

"So... Where's my valentine's day gift?" Minho said jokingly as he takes a quick glance at you.

"Keep your eyes on the road I don't want to die," you said as you push his head toward the front. "What about my present huh?" You teased him back.

"I am your present princess what more do you want? I got everything," Minho said steering the wheel. "I got the good smelling scent, the sexy face, the chocolate-"

You interrupted his talking and said, "What chocolate?! You don't have any chocolate on you!" Minho smirks at you and winked, leaving you opened mouth.

You whacked him playfully on his biceps, careful not to linger too long. He started laughing and said, "How old are you anyways Y/N?? Shouldn't you know these dirty jokes?!"

You pouted, crossed your arms and said, "It's not my fault I went to a private school filled with girls." Finally Minho stopped the car and parked it in his garage. It was a fairly sized house, and he owned it all to himself.

Minho helped you out the car, shielding you from the rain by using his body. You shook off the rain the moment you got into his house. "Stop shaking like that, you look like a wet dog." Minho complained as rain got on his black shirt.

"I am wet!" You shouted taking off your shoes. You heard him let out a sniffle behind you, making you roll your eyes. "Enough with you and your dirty thoughts," you said to Minho as you shove pass him purposely and into his living room.

He walks quickly behind you, resting his hands onto your waist. You gulped and felt his breath breezing on your neck. "What dirty thoughts princess? All I did was snort I didn't say anything," Minho said pecking you quickly on the cheek. He turns at you, winks and said, "It's you who has the dirty thoughts. Tsk not so innocent after all."

Minho lets out a small laugh and went to sit on the sofa. He plops down like a potato and started to flip through channels. You stand there tapping your feet rhythmically, crossing your arms.

Minho's gaze never left the TV screen, instead he held out his arms inviting you into a cuddle. "What's wrong princess? Come and join me in this adventure of Netflix," he said without glancing at you.

"I want to do something fun! You're so boring Minho," you grumpily said but gave yourself up into Minho's embrace. His free hand hugged you tightly into his body, your head on his shoulder and you snuggle closer to him. Minho lets out a happy sigh and rubs your thumb absently as he watches a movie.

Twenty minutes after, Minho suddenly sprang up pulling you with him. "Hey! I have an idea lets bake some cookies!!!" Minho said excitedly as he pulls you with him into his big kitchen. You took out the equipment along with the ingredients while Minho just stood around gazing lazily at you.

"Well... You going to help or not shuckhead?" You said slightly annoyed at him. Minho shook his head and plopped down onto a chair, still staring at you. "Whatever lazy bum I'll make you the worse cookies ever," you threaten him while waving a plastic spoon around.

"Come on princess! I'm tired please make me some good cookies! Pretty please!" Minho said with a cute pout. You couldn't help but let out a small grin. "Fine," you grumble making Minho do some whoopy noise.

During the cookie making process, Minho would sometimes help you stir in the ingredients but most of the time he tried touching or brushing your arms while getting the things. Finally the cookies were done, his house was evaded by fresh made chocolate chip cookies.

You called out to Minho, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Minho?" You said nervously looking down the hall. "Minho? Where are you?" You returned back to the kitchen and fidgeted around scared to death.

Two hands rested on your shoulders making you jump up with shock. "Princess! I have a surprise for you!!" Minho said in a sing song voice. You let out a sigh of relief and turned to face him. He smirks mischievously and pulls out a cute stuffed panda from his back.

You squealed with happiness as you jumped up and down. You hugged Minho, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Glad you like it princess," Minho said kissing you hard on the lips. He pulls apart and pushes a button on the panda's hand.

"I love you princess! You're my one and only love!" Said the panda in Minho's voice. Your heart was about to burst opened tears filled your eyes making your vision blurry. You smile sweetly at Minho, pushed back his hair in his face and kissed him softly.

"Thank you so much! I love it Minho!" You said squealing as you kept repressing the button "Stop playing that! This is the first time I'm saying this: MY VOICE IS GETTING ANNOYING!" Minho complained after l played it a hundred time.

"What about my gift to you?" You asked. Minho smiles softly and said "You're my gift. You're the best gift l could've ever got. And... The cookies too."

That night Minho slept with you on the same bed with the panda in the middle. His arms surrounded your body with his face on top of your head, you dozed off sleeping with Minho's voice softly saying I love you.

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