Chapter 12

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Monday, 22 October

If you were to ask Sally, Chakra was a dream come true. Not only did she hoe, rake, compost, plant, fertilize, and water on command, but in Sally's timid mind, she'd also taken on the hardest job of all: Shaming the other moms into taking their designated shifts.

Granted, throwing that tomato at the Threesie mother who refused to weed the garden in brand new trousers was going a bit too far, but Chakra's sullen apology had been accepted (along with Sally's promise to babysit the woman's toddler on two separate occasions, and buy her a new pair of pants).

So Sally was heartbroken when, loading the gardening tools into the trunk of Chakra's Nissan Leaf electric car, she discovered the clear plastic sales bag containing little Quest's Halloween costume—and the purchase receipt.

She was still deciding whether it was worth covering for Chakra when Mallory walked up behind her. "Wow, this is a pretty big trunk for an electric car."

Sally almost jumped out of her skin before slamming the trunk lid.

Mallory whipped her hand away just in time. "Jesus, Sally! You broke my nail! What was that white thing in there anyway?"

"Nothing. old rug."

She was lying. It was a fleece lamb costume from some organic costume company based in Berkeley.

If Quest wore it to the parade, and Mallory recognized it and realized Sally had covered up the infraction, Sally would be just as dead to the club as Chakra.

This year, Halloween was turning out to be scary for all the wrong reasons.

(c) 2013 Josie Brown. Publish by Signal Press. All Rights Reserved.

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