Chapter 17

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Friday, 2 November

It was a gray morning. Overcast was normal for the start of San Francisco's rainy season, but today was bleaker still for the Probationary Onesies as they awaited news of their fate.

They gathered around the designated picnic table in Alta Plaza Park. Lorna found it ironic that it was the same table where, some three months ago, Dante's Pampers had flown out of her hand. So much had happened since then.

At least Bettina wouldn't beat around the bush. Her justice would be quick and cruel.

Even if it were toward her own nephew.

Each of them felt the same, and had come to accept the possibility that today they may be the one ousted.

"In reviewing your participation, I have to say that I found more to be dismayed about than I'd expected." Bettina paused dramatically. "But I'm sure that for those of you who will be joining us over the next few months, you'll finally find your rhythm in our mother-and-child symphony and strike a few chords that resonate with the rest of us."

She scanned each face, slowly. "If you leave here today, know it's because you've broken our trust in such a way that we could not just forgive and forget. To do so would cause the biggest scandal this club has ever seen—"

The probationers' winces were plainly visible.

Bettina had hoped that would be the case.

"—and it would not be fair to our members to suffer through it, because of what you did—"

The intake of breath could have been mistaken for one more gale force wind blowing through the park.

"Chakra, you may go."


Ally, Jillian, Jade, and Lorna couldn't believe their ears.

So, that was the "big scandal" that would cast ruin on the club and its members?

Bettina was rattling on about Chakra's costume: something about it being store bought...

Chakra's goodbye to the group was swifter than Bettina's dressing down. It was a one-finger salute, and a quote from Shakespeare: "A plague on all your houses!"

Bettina made a note to herself to have the garden tilled under, just in case Chakra retaliated with natural pesticides.

Perhaps they'd move the garden to an undisclosed location.

Better yet, they'd take the children to the Pier One Farmer's Market instead. The mothers would rejoice because it provided less opportunity for the children to dirty their clothes.

A storm lurched out of the sky and over the park, breaking up the meet-up.

"Kelly, would you mind staying a bit?" Bettina's voice was smooth as honey. "I'd like to have a word with you, in private."

Kelly smiled and nodded.

Jade wondered, Is she Bettina's new favorite? If so, is it because the Condor Club client informed Bettina about my time as a pole dancer?

But that can't be. If Bettina knew about it, then I would have been the one who was let go!

For some reason, he hadn't.

Relief flooded her like a cold sweat. Suddenly she felt light-headed and happy. "Hey, why not come over to my house for hot cocoa," Jade suggested to the others.

Ally, Jillian, and Lorna were feeling just as euphoric. They'd survived the cut! Their secrets were safe.

For now.

Their cars pulled up at Jade and Brady's house around the same time. A strange car, a Lexus, was in the driveway.

Maybe not so strange. At least, Lorna thought she recognized it. "That car belongs to a PHM&T applications committee member. I forget which one, but I recognize the license plate: 'Gr8Mama'."

No one wanted to say out loud what they were thinking, or why: Had the application committee learned that they'd ousted the wrong member?

Squirming children in hand, the women slowly walked to the door.

Jade brought up the rear, for good reason. Why was the woman here, so soon after the meet-up? she thought miserably. At least Brady is home. He'll know what to say to the woman. He'll know what to do.

Brady had a gift for charming women.

They all knew it. Especially Jade.

Lorna stopped before opening the door. "Listen, before we enter, I just want to say one thing. No matter who they dump, I refuse to let their decision dictate my feelings toward any of you. I like you, and I hope we'll continue to be friends."

Jade clasped Lorna's hand. They could barely hear her husky whisper. "Thanks, Lorna. I'll always remember you said that."

Jillian nodded adamantly. She was too choked up to talk, but her eyes sparkled with her tears.

Ally laughed. "Yeah, well, my sorority hazing was worse. Besides, we're all in this together, right? No matter what. That's what friends are for."

The same thought crossed each woman's mind: Friends. That was the goal of acceptance to the club wasn't it? And I need friends in my life, now, more than ever.

Ally put out her hand. It was clasped by Jillian, then Jade, then finally, Lorna.

Now, Lorna had a reason to smile, too. "Shall we, ladies?"

—Continued in Book 2 of TOTLANDIA: The Onesies, Winter—

(c) 2013 Josie Brown. Publish by Signal Press. All Rights Reserved.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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