Chapter 1- News For A Pearl

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"Perhaps you would like some more tea?" a delicate voice rang. The voice came from a tiny figure of a 9 year old girl. She held herself with grace as she played with her dolls, hosting a practice tea party in her spacious country bedroom. The room was filled with pastel colors, bows were neatly tied upon the curtains and bed posts, and everything curious object the girl found  worthy were placed orderly on shelves as well as her trophies from ballet competitions.

The petite child poured tea from fine china and once satisfied with with that, sat primly in her own chair. The tiny ballerina politely sipped from her own china tea cup, not making a sound. Suddenly, the doors to her room opened, revealing a tall and lean man. The girl's attention turned to him and her strait-laced expression turned into delight. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, quickly rising from her seat. The man bent down as his daughter rushed into his arms. "How's my darling Pearl?" he asked lovingly. He pulled her back from his grasp, admiring his princess.

Pearl, the child in the man's arms, was his daughter. And he adored her dearly. That being noted, her father was a very influential and wealthy and he had the power to give her whatever she desired. And he most certainly used it. "I'm doing splendidly Papa," she replied, a smile spreading across her fair face. "I have come to tell you something, and it is oh so important my love," her father said. Pearl slightly cocked her head to the side. "If you are to tell me something of such importance, I would prefer it over a cup of tea," she replied.
Pearl's father now sat in one of his daughter's tiny chairs at her tea party. She elegantly poured him a cup of tea before situating herself in her own chair. "Well?" Pearl inquired, picking up her teacup and saucer. "You've poured a perfect cup of tea darling," he praised, taking an occasional sip. Pearl beamed with pride at this remark. She enjoyed praise. A lot. "No silly, I mean the important thing you were going to say!" Pearl teased.

"Ah yes. That. Pearl my dear," he started. "I'm sure you've heard of the Authority School," Pearl nodded. "Well, the semester is about to begin. And I..." Pearl's father hesitated. "I...decided that you are to attend," he finished. Pearl's face quickly fell. A school!? School was a place of messy and uneducated children running a muck everywhere. And she was to be one of them! "But...but Daddy! I'm thriving under the care of private tutors! Must I attend? It would not benefit me educationally and..." Pearl stuttered, trying to comprehend Daddy's decision. He held a hand up and she stopped mid-sentence. "I know. However, I also think that you have to grow socially. With gems your age,"

Pearl stared at him in disbelief. Wasn't she already a social butterfly? And even if she wasn't quite up to par, children her age were immature and hard for her to tolerate anyway. "You're going to start in a few days. Daddy knows you going to do wonderfully," he said, trying to get her to relax. "Fine! If that's what you think....then you are NEVER going to get another cup of tea from me again!" she sniffed, pushing the teapot towards her directions and farther from the man who decided she was attending the dark hole called school.

[Author's Note]

And that's the first chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed my very first fanfic ^.^ Next chapter up soon! And don't hesitate to give constructive criticism and feedback!

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