Chapter 8-Love Like You

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They were home again. And what Amethyst meant by "they", she meant Greg, Rose and herself. Greg was thoughtful enough to take Rose and Amethyst home in his van. It was an unnecessary course of action, what with warp pads and other simple Homeworld Transportation Systems. But Rose loved the idea of "vans", so Amethyst went along with it. She was made on earth after all, human-related things didn't really bother her as much as Homeworld-born gems. So, Amethyst sat in the backseat of the van, toying with the odd objects Greg shoved aside. At least she wasn't the only being on the planet with a disorganized and messy living area.

Greg was a nice guy. Really. They got along for the most part and it made Amethyst happy to see Rose so joyful. Amethyst smiled on the entire way home, jamming out with Greg and Rose as the local rock station blasted on the radio. The car ride went by quickly and they arrived at the base of the hill. Amethyst peered through the window, looking into the cavern carved into the hill. The glowing blue cove radiated, even in the middle of the day. The three stepped out of the van, Amethyst dashing into her home on all fours. A warp pad stood in the center of the floor and a door faced it with only two colored circles on it. One was purple and the other pink.

Amethyst's ears perked up at the sound of laughter behind her. It was warm and loving. "Greg, you're too much!" Rose giggled. Then, Amethyst felt a gentle and soft hand on her head. She turned and saw the giant woman behind her. Rose's shadow casted faintly over Amethyst. "Ame, can you go to the shoreline and get me the prettiest seashells you can find?" she said softly, petting Amethyst delicately. Without question, Amethyst headed off to the shoreline. If Rose wanted it, Amethyst would provide.
Amethyst searched hard, inspecting each shell she came across. Left with her own thoughts, Amethyst began to wonder. Rose was great. Beautiful. A goddess even. Her everything. And that left curiosity. Why Greg? He was just so...average. Amethyst had seen a million like him, even ones superior to him. But Rose chose him. It just didn't seem right for someone like Rose to love someone like Greg. However, the same could be said for Amethyst. She was a reject product of one of the Kindergartens. She was one of millions and she didn't even function in the proper way. And somehow, she miraculously met Rose.

Amethyst stopped her task abruptly. She tilted her head up towards the sky, her hair falling away from her eyes. Stars twinkled brightly against the black expanse. Rose had told her about space before, how amazing everything was. "And you my Amethyst," she once said. Rose gestured to the night sky. "You were born on one of the most amazing places of all. Earth..." She saw beauty in everything, even when others couldn't see it themselves. Then the little purple gem felt a sense of guilt for looking down on Greg. Rose saw his spark of life and loved it, just like with Amethyst. They both didn't deserve it, but Rose adored them regardlessly. They were equal in Rose's eyes.

The little gem gripped her collection of shells tightly to her chest. Loving was just so painful at times. And yet, Amethyst never wanted to stop loving Rose. Rose was always there for her with wide and accepting arms. She was the only one who cared for Amethyst when she needed it. The only person in this endless expanse of sky and space that loved her. "I promise..." she whispered, her soul burning at its center. "I promise to love you like you love me," The fire in her soul ignited into a star, her feelings lifting her up towards the sky. With that, Amethyst ran back towards the cavern to her moon and sky.

~Author's Note~
The wait for an update is over! I changed the title from "You Can't Ignore the Universe" to "Love Like You", because I did not follow the original idea I had. But it doesn't mean that it won't be a chapter sometime! This chapter is really short and I am kind of straying from the original premise of this fanfiction. But next chapter most likely will be "The Transfer" unless further stated and it will come back to the school setting. This chapter was written as best as I could while I am busy, but expect another update next week or so :)

Also...YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! OVER 600 VIEWS?!?! Seriously, I did not plan for this fanfic to become this well-liked. Thank you so much for your awesome reads and votes and your comments! It really motivates me to get up and write!

ANOTHER ANNOUCEMENT!- I really want to start up another SU fanfic, but I cannot decided which theme to go with. So I will have you guys comment what you would like to see. Here are some of the options I really like:

-Steampunk AU
-High School AU
-Simple Oneshots/What if's

I am open to any suggestions and later I will announce what I have picked. Note, that does not mean this fanfic will stop updating. I want to complete it for you guys, but a new fanfic will give some more material and writing during the lack of updates of this fanfic. Again, you guys rock and I will see you in the next update!

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