Chapter 5- Would You Like Punch To Drink?

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Amethyst was lectured after school by Rose. "You need to treat Pearl nicely and get along with her," Rose had said. As if Amethyst planned to get along with that stick in the mud (see what she did there?). Today, Rose was keeping a closer check on Amethyst. Her punishment was that Amethyst was not allowed to shape-shift for the rest of the week. Amethyst whined, pouted and complained, but Rose was firm in her decision. Amethyst had to think of another plan to mess with Pearl that didn't involve shape-shifting. Today, both the Homeworld Class and the Crystal Class were going to start the day in the recreational part of the building, so there would be plenty of opportunities to annoy Pearl.

The bell signaled throughout the school, alerting that the Authority School was about to begin. Amethyst watched gems file in to the recreation hall, the Homeworld and Crystal distinct from one another. Pearl, unlike last time, was one of the very first inside. She was wearing another princess dress, a baby blue dress with white ribbons decorating the rim of the skirt. Lace peeked from underneath, the sight of it making Amethyst feel itchy. Pearl was having a conversation with Garnet or the  "Master of Comedy", but it was obvious that Pearl was doing most of the talking. Amethyst gave a slight snort as the two approached. "I thought you learned your lesson about wearing those fancy-smhancy dresses around me?" she remarked, interrupting whatever Garnet and Pearl were talking about. Garnet did not respond at all but Pearl huffed, her cheeks puffing a little. "You are not the instructor. You do not teach me any sort of lesson," Pearl said, folding her long arms across her chest. Challenge accepted. Amethyst gave a toothy grin, she  was gonna push this bird out of her nest.
Garnet waited silently outside the doors of the recreation room. Ruby and Sapphire, her parents, had told her some...interesting advice about making friends before she was dropped off. "Now Garnet, be gently with the other gems. You tend to forget the power of your own strength," Sapphire said, kissing Garnet on her forehead. "BUT!" Ruby interjected. "If you feel like punching someone, you gotta express yourself!" she stated firmly. Sapphire gave her a glare. "Ruby, we can't-" she started. "Why not Sapphire? She's my kid too! And I don't want her to pushed around!" Ruby whined. With that, Garnet simply left her parents with a blunt goodbye, knowing she would do things in her own way anyhow. Many mistook her silence as being rude or strange, but Garnet could be rather introverted, especially with new people. She could panic in the middle of conversation, making up things on a whim. Making friends was hard. Why was conversation needed?

Garnet was snapped out of her thoughts when someone brushed up against her. She turned, slightly looking down to see a shiny white gem. "I...I beg your pardon! I didn't want to be the last one in again you see," the gem said, some blue rushing to her face. Garnet studied her behind her shades.  The gem was called Pearl, right? She was the one who made the scene yesterday about her dress with a purple gem named Amethyst. In the back of her mind, Garnet could hear her moms cheering and encouraging her to pursue conversation. Alright, I can do this. People are like bugs. They are more afraid of you than you are of them. Then you kill th-wait no, that's a terrible analogy. Garnet was thinking hard. Pearl seemed to like Rose's compliments, she can start the conversation that way.

"Nice dress," Garnet said with as must confidence as she could muster. The pearl's dress certainly wasn't Garnet's style, rather it looked completely uncomfortable. Pearl turned away, her face rather blue. "Oh, why thank you," she said, her face still turned away. Yes, mission accomplished. Conversation completed. "I...I like your shades..." Pearl said, awkwardly looking back at Garnet. "Thanks," Garnet answered. They were still having a conversation?! What was she suppose to say back?! Think Garnet...

"I took them off a dead body," Garnet said. It was the first thing that came to mind and her mouth had followed. Pearl looked completely a taken back, her blue eyes widening in slight horror. "I'm joking," Garnet said quickly. Pearl gave a sigh in relief. "You had me there for a second. You seem so serious and the fact you said that with..." Pearl started, before trailing off. Garnet got that a lot. "I guess you truly are  the Master of Comedy," Pearl said in a teasing tone. Garnet felt the corners of her mouth lift a little. Friendship acquired.
Pearl was intrigued with Garnet. What a confident and cool persona. And she liked Pearl's dress, which meant she had refined taste. That was certainly a desirable quality Pearl could appreciate. Pearl wanted to talk to Garnet more, so she began to ask questions upon questions about her. After all, it was quite rude to talk about oneself constantly. The stoic gem usually nodded or gave a one-lined response.

"Do you like Miss Rose?" Pearl inquired thoughtfully. Garnet gave a slight nod. " I like her hair, it's big. Like mine," Garnet responded. "I...I suppose that's true...It is rather lovely," Pearl replied. Pearl felt herself running out of small talk when Garnet opened her mouth. "Do you like school?" the gem asked. Pearl's eyes lit up, something she enjoyed discussing. "Yes! I do! Education is very important and--" Pearl began as the bell rang.
Pearl talked. A lot. It was to point where Garnet began to zone out of the conversation. But that didn't matter, she had a friend now. Assigned seats were given, Garnet next to Pearl and Pearl in front of Amethyst. The distaste on Pearl's face was clear and the two bickered back and forth. Eventually, the two were making another scene, eyes from all over the room staring at them.

"Why can't you just keep your nose out of my business?!" Pearl hissed.

"I dunno, but it must be hard to keep your large, pointy nose out of everything," Amethyst retorted.

Pearl turned a bright blue and self-consciously placed her hand on her nose. Garnet had enough, the bickering was getting out of hand. "Enough. You two need to shut up and get over yourselves. You are making a scene. Again," Garnet stated, looking at the two gems head on. The response was immediate and Pearl and Amethyst stopped.

They spent the morning free to do what activity they wanted. Amethyst had crawled into Garnet's lap, where she fit perfectly. Pearl challenged Garnet to a game of "chess" and Garnet may or may not used a bit of "future vision" when she started to lose.  "I...I can't believe it!" Pearl exclaimed. "I've never lost a game of is this possible?" The garnet merely shook her head, telling Pearl about future vision was for another day.

Amethyst wanted to play a game of checkers against Pearl rather than chess. "Chess is stupid, the king can't even defend himself that well!" Amethyst huffed. Pearl then proceeded to lecture about the gameplay of chess, but Garnet's attention had long since moved elsewhere. The Homeworld table was next to the Crystal table and the large gem had heard something.

"Peri, look at them," a large orange gem said to her neighbor. The orange gem and bright green gem had turned their heads in the trio's direction. "A pearl dressed in fine clothing? And a Kindergarten reject? How pathetic," Garnet felt her anger growing. Even with the Gem Reformation over, such biased people still existed. And they tore down everyone. "But the large gem. I saw her parents, she's one of those fusion children. How disgraceful," the orange gem proclaimed. The bright green merely sighed. "We have to let them into the school system Jasper. It's a law now. Mother detests it, especially allowing humans to freely intermingle with gemkind,"

Garnet gritted her teeth. If Amethyst was not on her lap, that orange gem would be pulp by now. "Pearl," the square gem said, trying to keep her voice from becoming angry. "Why don't you get the checker pieces up front? You're rambling," Pearl nodded, apologizing for her long spiel and proceeded to get the pieces. Garnet removed Amethyst from her lap when she heard thud. Garnet quickly turned only to Pearl on the floor and the orange gem, Jasper, laughing loudly. Garnet unknowingly rose from her seat as Jasper bent down towards Pearl. "Hey slave-girl. I'm thirsty. You know what to do," Jasper leered.

Garnet felt her body move in her own and she found herself next to Jasper. "What do you want? I'm only doing to her what her purpose is," the buff gem said to Garnet with malice. Garnet had enough. "You're thirsty? Well then, would you like punch to drink?" Garnet's fist slammed the other's face and Jasper was now crashed into the table. "Don't you ever hurt my friends again,"Garnet declared, not just to Jasper but to all of the gems in the room.

~Author's Note~
A long chapter to make up for lack of updating for all my AMAZING followers. Over 100 views?!?!? You guys are awesome! Keep giving feedback and thanks so much for support! Next chapter: Beach Day (a Lapis chapter and perhaps a battle between Pearl and her???). I have a few chapters planned ahead so expect some updates soon!

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