Dork-Of-The-Orch (AU)

403 19 6

(Being a major nerd-cellist, I feel like I was expecting for myself to make something to do with music XD

On a little side note, my orchestra director's "name" is Doc, but he's nothing like Doc from RvB. So it gets very confusing.)

Day one at orchestra camp.

Dear god help me.

Tucker was a sophomore at Freelancer Highschool, a new student. He got average grades, did amazing in sports, but was pretty decent at cello. He was first chair in his old school, but for the most part, the students just played for art credit; therefore they weren't that good.

So no, he was not expecting to get second chair as a new student.

He didn't even expect to be in the top ten.


Wash was a sophomore at Freelancer highschool, heading to their summer orchestra camp to play cello.

Sound familiar?

He was the best in the school, and usually his friend York played second chair beside him.

Sadly, he recently had to get a glass eye, and was in the emergency room at the moment. So when Washington walked through those camp doors with a cello case heavily placed on his back, he had a bad feeling about everything.

But hey, maybe the second chair cello is more of the quiet type?

(Heh nope)


"Alright, alright everyone! Get to your seats!" Doc called, waving his hands in the air to get everyone's attention.

Wash was already in his chair directly by the podium, trying to tune his instrument. He nervously looked around to try and find who his stand-partner might be, but no one he knew seemed to head up to that spot.

Suddenly, a kid in an aqua shirt sat down beside him, and started to unpack his cello quickly.

Well, he doesn't seem too bad.

The guy seemed about his age, and when he noticed that Wash was sitting next to him, he held out his hand, and said:

"Hi, I'm Tucker. I'm a sophomore and I'm new. What about you?"

"Wash. Sophomore also."

The two gave eachother friendly smiles and shook hands before the director cleared his throat and informed everyone to play an open A.


"Alright, now that the concert pieces are out of the way... Here's how Quarters and Duets work. The first two chairs of each section will do a duet of their choice, while chairs three through six do a quarter and pair up with other sections. Everyone else will be staying with me. Now, if you're leaving; find a room!" Doc clapped his hands, clearly worried and rushed due to the other kids' intellect when it came to orchestra.

After the two left the building, Wash found a room, and the two sat down.

"So... What pieces do you know for duets?" He asked.

"Not many..." Tucker admitted, "I'm not that good when it comes to knowing classical music."

"Hmm... You know, it doesn't have to be classical..."


"Dude. There's no way." Wash stated, staring at the music that he had only four days to learn.

"It's ACDC! Surely you can make an exception!"

"Easy for you to say, your part's not that hard!"

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow."

"Oh, dear..."


"Okay, no more modern or rock songs. There's not enough of us to play all the other parts."

"Fine." Tucker sighed, giving in. He thought of all the duets that he's seen that aren't that boring, but it's difficult!

"Ugh, it's like we're cursed or something..." Wash stated gloomily, looking through the songs that the other groups have already taken/stolen.

But the second Wash said cursed, an idea popped in Tucker's head.

He stood up, nearly dropping the valuable wooden instrument in the process, and shook Wash's shoulders.

"Say that again!"

"Um... It's like we're cursed or something?"

Tucker jumped over his chair to get to the computer to print music off.

"What?" Wash asked, trying to see what he printed out. He ran over to get to the pages before Tucker, and saw the title.

"The Erlking...? Isn't that in another language for a singing part of something?"

"There's a cello part for it, don't worry. But think abut it! It has a cool back story and all, and we have have the triplets playing in the background on a speaker!"

"I don't know... This part seems pretty monstrous..."

"That's the whole point, duh. It's about a kid who sees the devil or something."

Wash raised an eyebrow, wondering how in the hell Tucker knew this. Tucker gave the 'Hey man I don't know' shrug and started to look over his part.

Wash sighed.

Here goes four days.


"What if I mess up?" Tucker says nervously.

"You'll be fine, no one will notice."

"I'll notice!"

"And now, introducing the cello duet of our summer camp, Wash and Tucker!"

The two cellists were shoved onstage, and had very little time to get situated in their chair. Once ready, however, they made eye contact, and nodded.

The piece sounded beautiful in mysterious ways.

Wash's extreme shifting part sounded amazing and breathtaking in the wooden auditorium, and Tucker's harmony mixed elegantly with his. At the last note, the chords ringed with a classic essence, and faded away gracefully.

Needless to say, the audience went wild.


Afterward, Doc ran up to the two, hugging them tightly- and a bit awkwardly. He let go, and happily squealed.

"Guys, that was amazing! You two need to to a duet again next year!"

Tucker and Wash nodded instantly.

But it seemed a bit sad when Doc said 'Next year'.

Tucker didn't want to wait until next year, and neither did Wash. Yeah, they'd have orchestra class, but they couldn't just choose their own music. But the two would take that wait than nothing at all.

"So, see you next year, Wash."

"Ditto, Tucker."

(Part 2???

Also: LISTEN TO ERLKING CELLO DUET ON YOUTUBE! The Erlking is such a great piece and it's not your typical classical, it's probably the least boring one out there. Especially if you look at each part; you can identify each one as a character in the story (Child, Father, Narrator, etc.)!

I'm a Orch-A-Dork whoops)

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