Youtube Madness AU

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"Hello geeks! It's Simmons again with another update- Dragon con! I'll be able to go this year with a couple of others, and I can't wait to see you all on Saturday! MaroonGamer: Out."

Simmons turned off the camera, paused, and then squealed like a five year old.

He jumped around, throwing fake punches into the air, because this is his first panel. Never would he have thought that he would poor be the one signing autographs. Maybe dreams do come true.

A second later, the phone rang, and Simmons had to act cool once he picked it up.


"Uhh Simmons? Why did your voice drop eight octaves over the weekend?"

"Um... Nevermind. What's up?"

"Well... We're doing a panel at Dragon Con for a start-"

"I know!" Simmons interrupted, letting out another squeak of joy.

Grif winced at the other end of the line, and sighed, but was still smiling and Simmons knew it.

"How early do you want to get there?"

"A day or two, I want to actually see other stuff too."

"You mean cosplay."

"Yes. And that too."

Grif sighed again.

"We can't exactly cosplay unless we wear a mask-"

"WE CAN BE THE WHITE FANG PEOPLE FROM RWBY!" Simmons screeched, damaging Grif's ears.

There was no stopping him now.


Grif was secretly stressed out about the whole running a panel thing, because the whole point he did videos was because he didn't want to talk in front of people.

And now he's doing a god damn panel.

How ironic.

However, the panel would consist of fans, nerds, and mostly Grif and Simmons' kinda alley. So that at least weighted out the con of the con.


That sentence just hurt my head.

Get it together, Grif! It's not like you're proposing to Simmons or something!

That sentence didn't help with the situation either.

Altogether, Grif was a mess. Woo hoo.


Costume: Check

Laptop with files: Check

Sanity: I'VE LOST IT

Simmons was freaking out for mostly happy reasons. He was pumped to go to Dragon con and meet awesome people.

However... Crowds and socializing weren't his forte.

Panic attacks were switching off between the two YouTubers, so the two decided to relax by creating a stupid little video.

Grif came over at about the 43rd time Simmons had called him asking about shades of paint.

Simmons had set up the cameras and chairs, having nothing else better to do. He recalled Grif's words clearly:

Don't be a bitch, just do something else for a bit.

Honestly, it worked. Although his friend never had the talent of getting his words across professionally, it was still good advice.

So yes, Simmons kept himself distracted for a bit until Grif came over, hauling pizza boxes and a envelope with Panel instructions of what to talk about and such.

God, this is so stressful, and here we are eating pizza.

"I said do you want one slice or two?" Grif said a bit louder, trying to catch his attention. Simmons shook his head like a character out of Scooby-Doo, and muttered two.

Oh, so it was one of those days.

After the set-up had been... Well, set up, the two plopped down on the couch and began to eat the pizza.

Simmons did the normal thingy he did where he would curl up, knees to chest, and watch Doctor Who. Grif himself, however, sprawled out like a freaking blanket of warmness, and focused more on the guy next to him instead of the actual British plot that was on-screen.

Grif would be the first to admit that he wanted to be more than friends.

Simmons wasn't sure what Grif wanted, so he just became content where he was like a little lost puppy.

Huh. Maybe Grif should get him a puppy.


Why the hell would I get him a-

"Because you're oblivious you stupid sim trooper" A mysterious person called out into his brain, from beyond the forth wall.

Grif sighed, and knew that the voice of his insanity was right... Although that sentence out of context may sound a bit psychotic.

Whatever. Grow a pair of something besides man boobs and ask the nerd on a date!

"Hey, Simmons?" Grif asked.


"You ever wonder why we're here?"

"You... Mean all religious and stuff-"

"No, I mean on this couch in the middle of your living room, eating pizza and watching Doctor Who."

Simmons had no reply, so he just shrugged.

"Do you think it's some stupid fate thing?" Grif asked, but it seemed slightly to himself as an out-loud thought.

"In a way... Yes. I do think fate may have a role."

"Oh... Well then..." Grif cleared his throat and shifted a little, then smirked, "Did it hurt?"

Simmons spit out his drink almost instantly, and grimaced, while laying wildly at the same time.

"If I say yes to your horrible pick up line will you take me on a damn date?"

"I-I... Uh, that was the point-"

"Good. Because I don't need to hear the rest of it. Now finish your damn pizza."

(True love right there


even though Comic con is significantly better...

Anyways- this is my 50th one shot! Wow. That's kinda sad and awesome.)

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