Mmm Watcha Sayyyyy

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It was eleven o'clock at night when Wash stumbled through the front door and threw his briefcase onto the kitchen table. He sighed as he continued his was over to the pantry, looking for leftovers or something easy to make within fifteen minutes. As he opened the cabinet door, he realized that something was missing.


Wash called out his name, confused that he couldn't hear the TV on or the gaming systems.

Where the hell was he?

Creeping around the corner, Wash kept his fists clenched in case of any surprise attacks.

This isn't Tucker.

Tucker wasn't the type to fall asleep, nor was he the type to not make a dramatic scene when Wash came home late.

The veteran smirked at the memory as he sneaked up the stairs, heading towards the bedroom.

Cautious of tricks and traps, Wash slowly creaked over the door and peered inside, he could make out a figure.

That is, until a high-pressured stream of ice cold water hit his face.

"Jesus, what the-?!"

"Guess again, because I ain't your savior today, Wash! Prepare your water gun trigger hands, because I'm about to blow your mind!" Tucker screamed in victory, shooting water at Wash as he dodged out of sight.

That son of a bitch!

Wash sprinted down the stairs, leaping two steps at a time in socks.

(Yes, I too like to live dangerously)

Making a sprint to the kitchen cabinets, he hid behind the door right before Tucker entered the kitchen area.

"Washhhhh..." Tucker teased, focused on winning this battle, "I know you're here..."

Tucker's point of focus shifted instantly when he heard a noise from underneath the kitchen table. He hesitated, but crouched down to see the face of failure-

Wait, what? Where is he?!

Just as Tucker realized that he had been tricked, he turned around to have ice cold waters splash across his face, causing him to curse and dash back to the stairs.

"The hunter has become the hunted!" Wash cheered.

"Dude! Worst burn ever, couldn't you be a little more original?" Tucker called as he made his way up the stairs, dashing into the TV room.

"I- I have the upper hand here! You can't insult me!"

"Just did, bitch!"

At that moment, Wash busted through the door and Tucker let out a girlish shriek as he was soaked in water.

"I kneel! I obey! Stop killing me!" Tucker pleaded.

"Water isn't going to kill you, Tucker."

"Yeah right! I saw that Indiana Jones movie where he got poisoned, don't lie to me!"

"Poison and water guns are two different things." Wash stated as he grabbed Tucker's gun out of his hands.

"Tell that to me when I'm dead. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to get ten towels."

~~One year later~~

It was eleven o'clock at night when Wash stumbled through the front door and threw his briefcase onto the kitchen table. He sighed as he continued his was over to the pantry, looking for leftovers or something easy to make within fifteen minutes. As he opened the cabinet door, he realized that something was missing.


Wash called out his name, confused that he couldn't hear the TV on or the gaming systems.

Where the hell was he?

Creeping around the corner, Wash kept his fists clenched in case of any surprise attacks.

This isn't Tucker.

Tucker wasn't the type to fall asleep, nor was he the type to not make a dramatic scene when Wash came home late.

The veteran smirked at the memory as he sneaked up the stairs, heading towards the bedroom.

Cautious of tricks and traps, Wash slowly creaked over the door and peered inside, and saw...

A note.

It was written with newspaper clippings, all aligned in a messy fashion along the blank paper.

$1,000 dollars by tonight and you can have him back.



Waiting at the police station, Wash couldn't function. He kept shaking his leg impatiently, biting his fingernails and nearly broke down into tears.

Please be okay...

Wash didn't know what to do. Maybe he should ask Tucker- Or... Ask what he would do...

Please be okay...

Wash gripped the side of his skull, cursing at the panic and emotions surging through his head.


"David Washington?" An officer urgently called through the police station. Wash sprinted towards the sound of the voice, wasting no time as the officer began to talk.

"Very, very good news: We found him. However, there are traces of some sort of poison throughout his system and-"

"Is he gonna be okay?" Wash interrupted as polite as he could.

After a moment, the officer smiled and nodded.

"With some time, Laverneus Tucker will be fine."


The second the nurse politely said "Come in," Wash dashed to the side of Tucker's bed, relief flushing over him as he saw him smile.

"Hey, Washie! I'm on... A lot of morphine." Tucker cheered, clearly sounding out of it.

For the first time in about a week, Wash laughed and smiled, happy that he could finally hold Tucker's hand again.

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