Chapter 1: Rambo Barbie

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        The sun was bright through the leaves in the trees, as if there wasn't an apocalypse happening, as if she wasn't running from a city infested with the dead. Hell, as if she wasn't running from the living! Too recent of memories played before her: the military who had sworn to protect the citizens were gunning them down in the streets, hospitals, houses and cars. It was a sight she'd never get out of her head--that and the corpses rising up and eating flesh. She shivered as she started walking a little faster, a stained  letter opener in hand and pistol at her waist. 

        "Dr. Lux, are you here?" the dark haired girl asked peering in his office. 

        "I tried to call, but there was no answer. I think there's something wrong with--" she was cut off when she saw him, face down, on his desk. 

        "Doctor....are you...okay?" 

        Carefully she made her way towards him and the half eaten lunch at his desk. The smell was awful, and she didn't think it was coming just from the Chinese food to his left. Grabbing his wrist she checked for a pulse. There wasn't one. Her breathing increased as she grabbed the phone, the lines were down. 

        She heard gun shots outside the window and looked out to see the military had made it to the outskirts of the city, but they were shooting civilians! Her heart lodged up in her throat as she tried to make sense of what was going on. The young woman knew that they were in the city, but she never imagined it would come down to them turning on the people. Have things become so bad? She suddenly wished she hadn't been ignoring the media. 

        A noise snapped her back to her current surroundings, as she was sure she was alone with a dead man. To her horror the doctor grunted and started to move out of his seat, his face a sickening green color. 


        She was frightened; she was nearly positive he wasn't alive. The corpse lunged at her and started to snap it's jaws as she screamed and moved towards the desk. The man, bigger than she was, pushed against her as she struggled to keep his teeth from sinking into her neck. Having been an avid boxer, she kicked him backwards and frantically picked up the first thing she saw, a silver letter opener. 

        As he once again came towards her, she stabbed him in the chest. His body didn‘t respond to the wounds. Again, and again, she stabbed vital organs, but still he flapped his jaws. With one last swift movement, she jabbed the object through his eye and through the brain. This seemed to put him down for good this time. Wiping blood from her hands and face, she quickly stepped out onto the chaotic streets. 

        Hundreds and hundreds of bodies flooded around her, living and dead and some in between. The military was shooting anything that moved, and she turned quickly into in an alley. A soldier grabbed her roughly around the arm as a gun pushed against her temple. She held her hands up seemingly causing him to calm down.

        "Please, I have no idea what's going on. I just stabbed my doctor...but he, he was dead…" 

        He let out a heavy sigh as he quickly spoke. If he was going to die right here, like this, he would seize the opportunity to redeem himself.

        "You need to get out of the city. The dead are walking..some sort of virus...or infection." 

        She was about to take his advice when he stopped her. 

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