Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm doing chapter dedications! Accepting requests until August 16th. A ton of people asked for dedications on this story! The first to ask was skyandclouds13! Thanks all for your love and support! - Nona



I never wanted this. I never wanted to see Devin hurt, scared, out of his mind. Sure, it was all for show when he acted like a maniac on stage, but it was just for theatrics. Actually seeing him on the verge of needing a straight jacket is tearing me apart. I know he's terrified, not knowing how to process this. If I could, I'd hold him and tell him it'll all be alright. I understand just as much as he does about this, which is close to nothing.

Unfortunately, I am a translucent mist of frostbite. I yearned for his skin against mine. His warmth seemed even more desirable now that I lack heat. Touching him, only meant hurting him, because I'm so deadly freezing. Devin reached out towards me fearfully. He gently caressed my face, making me smile blissfully to feel a living being. It was short lived, because my ice cold presence made him jerk his hand back.

"You're freezing." He murmured, with a sense of astonishment lacing his words.

With his now cold hand clutched to his chest, he stared at me. His beautiful silver irises trembled, and now were muted through my eyes. I could see better in the dark, but all the colors are faded. Everything I looked at, was saturated. When I would look into a mirror, my imagine was close to black and white, leading me to believe I myself was this faded color.

I barely knew anything of this world I was stuck in. It took me admittedly too long to figure out I was dead. There was no spiritual guide to meet me and explain what had happened. I wasn't presented with a cloud covered, shinning stairway, or even a long fiery road. No, nothing simple. I just opened my eyes, like I was waking up, and the first thing I saw was my own body lying on an operating table. I thought it was a bad dream, until it carried on much too long.

Once I watched my own friends, my family, cry over my body, that's when I realized this wasn't a figment of my imagination. There was no waking up from a nightmare, because this was reality. I still have yet to understand the full extend of how this paranormal state works. It took me this last week to figure out how to materialize, and how to touch things in the living word. I'm definitely not going to become a horror movie villain anytime soon. I can barely manage to light a candle or turn a page.

I did figure out one thing fairly quickly. As any movie or story predicts, I was attached to something. It wasn't a place, luckily. I'm not trapped inside one area. However, what exactly I am attached to, I'm not fully sure. At first, I thought it was Zane. That would only make sense. He was the love of my life, while I was alive. Ever since the funeral though, I haven't been able to separate myself from Devin. If I stray too far from him, I start to lose focus or the ability to see the living world. Everything kind of closes in on me.

So here we are. I am staring at his trembling state of disbelief. Honestly, I had no idea how he would take it when I showed myself to him. How am I going to convince him I'm not just his imagination? I'm sure he has so many questions, but I do too... I still have no idea how I died. I can't remember. I'm sure that's not the best place to start off.

"I'm sorry." I apologized for giving him such a chill. "I have no idea why, but I'm really cold. At least I know I'm not in Hell, or else I'd be burning up." I cracked a small smile as I attempted to lift the mood.

Something tells me, it's not helping. He was still painted in fear. I could tell by the unfamiliar look in his eyes, he had never known this hysteria before. I've never seen Devin mentally broken or weak. He was always the strong one between the two of us. How is one supposed to comprehend their best friend coming back from the dead? I understood his shaken state, but I wish I could help him to calm down.

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