Chapter 7

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Chapter dedicated to attackthemotionless


Damn it! I wanted to wait a while long before the guys figured this all out. At first, I was so eager to see anyone, to let them know I'm still here. That all changed when I spent time with Devin. I just wanted to savor every moment I could with him. Though now we stand still in solid state, I have no idea when I could be ripped away from him. For all I know, any second my spirit could be forced somewhere else. I don't want to leave him, not again.

Eventually everyone else had to find out. Did it have to be this quick? I suppose there's no time like the present, but time is all I have. There's not a lot to do when you're a ghost. I just exist, without any clear purpose. If I have unfinished business, I'd like to know what it is. I have yet to see why I'm still on earth. If there is no other place for spirits, where are all the others? Surely there would be more spirits than this. I saw a few at the hospital, so I know I can see them. Maybe not all of them? I don't know! This is all too fucking complicated!

I didn't show myself at all once everyone else had gotten to Devin's apartment. At first, I risked it to let Devin know I was still here, but too many people came for me to have the confidence to continue doing it. How did I end up in that photo if I didn't show myself? I saw the picture when Chris was looking at it. Only a blurred glimpse of me ended up on it, but they all could tell it was me.

No one knew what to say. They shared looks of concern and fear with each other. My own band mates were afraid of me? Sure, I was undead, but they're supposed to be my family! Why would they be scared on my ghost? It honestly... hurt me. They were shaken by something they didn't understand. Doesn't that go against everything we preach to these kids that listen to our music? We teach them to accept what they do not know, yet here they are, scared of my presence.

Devin walked away from the group. He began to pace and panic. He's having a panic attack and I can't even comfort him with my eyes, let alone my touch. I could sense his heart rate speeding and see how white his already pale skin had become. What was going through his head? I know Devin was convinced I was a figment of his imagination. Now he has evidence that I'm not, and he's not handling it well.

"I need some air." Chris abruptly spoke. He shot up and ran from the apartment, not even fully closing the door behind him.

Ryan watched the door creak closed as Chris bolted down the hall. He lowered his hand from his mouth, muttering, "Someone should go talk to him."

Please Devin, be the one to. That way I can follow you, I can talk to Chris myself. One on one is so much easier than presenting myself to an entire crowd. Besides, Devin could use the fresh air just as much as Chris, if not more. He looked like he was losing his mind. His will was collapsing under stress.

"I will." He spoke through a coarse voice.

Thank you! The others didn't say a word. A few nodded just to acknowledge him, but most were too shellshocked to come up with a response. Devin ran into his bedroom for a moment. He popped back out with shoes and an a leather jacket pulled on. As he rushed out of the space, my field of view narrowed quickly. I hurried to follow him because I could feel my strength slipping. It isn't until I'm pulled from him that I realize how attached I've become.

He went down the building stairwell, letting the door fall behind him. I phased through it and continued to follow. First I let myself shiver a bit though, because moving through shit still shakes me a bit. Devin pushed open the back exit and I slipped through the space left before it closed. He took a deep breath and looked to the moon. The stars looked so beautiful when they reflected over his eyes.

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