Chapter 8

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Once again, my heart ached the second Ricky's face disappeared. I wasn't left completely broken because I could still feel his presence, but it wasn't the same as actually seeing him. The pure agony I went through when he died makes me constantly fear losing him once again. I was given a second chance that nobody normally gets, and I will not take it for granted.

Everyone else headed home as the night closed out. Chris stayed after so we could further discuss the situation I had just heavily laid on him. I locked my apartment door once Ryan-Ashley and Balz had left. Turning around, I sighed to see what a mess my place was from hosting so many people. Chris began to help me pick up the dishes and trash around my living room.

Ricky hadn't come back around yet. It was starting to worry be a lot. Like I said, I'm in a continuos state of worry that one time he'll disappear and never come back. On top of it, there was an awkward silence between Chris and I. What do you say after you just found out your dead best friend is an earth bound spirit?

He set the dirty dishes in my kitchen sink while I tossed empty cans and chip bags in the trash. There was still a little clutter but nothing that would bother me to live in. We walked back into the living room, still wordless. I forced myself to break the silence.

"Um, you can leave all this. I'll get it in the morning. Thank you for the help." I told him.

"No problem." Chris muttered.

He seemed shell shocked. Who wouldn't be? There was a change in Chris, that I hadn't seen in anyone like him. It was as if he just matured ten years in ten seconds. The look of revelation and contemplation displayed across his jaded face. I saw the wheels turning in his head, but what they were working towards is the mystery.

"Take a seat." I offered as I gestured towards the couch.

I sat next to him as the quiet fell over us once again. Chris leaned forward and rested his forearms on his knees. He folded his hands, playing with his rings. I understood this was a lot to rush him with and he needed time to process everything. I'm not going to push him or force him to understand. I just hope it'll come into acceptance for him.

"Is he uh, is he here?" Chris lowly spoke.

"I don't know. Probably." I responded at the same somber tone. "Little raccoon, why don't you come out?"

My eyes absentmindedly fell on the candle burning at the coffee table. In the background of the flame, I saw the mist gently settle into phantom. Chris and I looked up at him. He crossed his arms, seeming bothered by even his own cold nature. Ricky forced a gentle smile.

"There's something going through your head, isn't there, Chris?" He questioned.

Ricky walked around the side of the table and sat down on the edge closet to us. The candle was behind him, yet I could still see the flame straight through him. It only made this more real for me. Believe it or not, I was still having an issue processing the fact that my best friend was dead and haunting me.

Chris huffed as he held his hand to his mouth. His eyes were still rimmed with tears. I wasn't sure if they were from before, or this was new emotions forming. He let his arm fall, replying, "This whole thing has just got me thinking about... secrets, and loss, and just... regret. Not past regret, future regret."

"What'd you mean?" I asked.

Future regret was kind of a weird thing to say. How can you regret something that hasn't happened? Does he mean he did something he knows he'll regret eventually? No matter what it be, I'm realizing Ricky's death has set some form of regret in all of us.

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