Who She Was

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       Highschool was just another word for hell to me. All it consisted of was annoying people I had no effort to pay attention to, classes that won't help me with anything and teachers that just piss me off. The only highlight of my day was my best friend. He was always there for me and without him I would most likely drop out. Although I hate school so much, I am probably one of the best students in my class. I try my hardest to keep on top of my work but it's hard most of the time. Juggling work, friend and school.
       School was almost over thank god. I kept staring at the clock and clicking my pen. I looked over to see Lucas staring at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled as a sign of agitation. The bell rang and I ran out of there as fast as possible. I sat by the fountain and opened my notebook. I had an obsession with writing down diary pages. Lucas came running out and sat down next to me. He looked over my shoulder to see what I was writing.
"Do you ever write about me?" he asked not even bothering to look at me.
"Cocky much?" I said and giggled and continued writing.
"Fine. Lucas... The most annoying, obnoxious..." Then he shoved me before I could finish.
He was my all time best friend. And I think I was his.
"What is the point of writing about your day? You never read it again." He said.
"Nah.. It's to get my emotions out. We have all of these emotions built up inside of us and no way to get them out. People don't realize that writing about it helps." I said closing my journal and swinging my bag over my shoulder.
"Hm. Valid answer." He said and reached his hand out as a gesture for me to help him up.

We walked slowly down the road on the way to the cafe.
"I had an idea." He said grabbing my hand in his.
"When I become famous... You are coming with me." He said.
"Not even if my life depended on it." I said but was stopped by Lucas. He pulled me closer and looked down, deep into my eyes.
"I'm dead serious when I say this: you are coming with me. I need you with me. Please." He said so serious that my heart skipped a beat. I have never.. In the 14 years I have known him... Seen him this serious in his entire life. His eyes were uneasy staring into my eyes. Moving back and forth.. Flicking up and down... His breath catching on each wave of wind. He was so close that we looked like one person.
"Okay." I said shakily. We continued on to the restaurant.

At the restaurant:

T! Lauren yelled from the cash register. "What makes you late everyday?"
She asked with suspicion in her eyes. I knew exactly what she was gonna say. And she did.
"Lucas kiss you so well you passed out?"
I looked at Lucas and rolled my eyes.
"You better believe it. " Lucas said and I was kind of shocked too. We both walked behind the counter. I tied on my apron and threw my curly black hair into a high pony tail.
A few college boys walked in and a few teenage girls who were giggling and pretending to touch Lucas every time he came by their table. He always got the girls. But then a guy in a suit walked in. Glasses on the tip of his noes and a notepad in his hand. He sat at a two person table that faced the stage. (The cafe has live performances) It was almost time for Lucas to go on stage. I went into the bathroom after my shift and changed into some skinny red jeans and a black crop top and heels. When I walked out Lucas was leaned up against the wall.
"It would have been your fault if I messed up on stage." He said pouting his lip.
"Tell me how that would work." I said folding my arms and raising an eyebrow. He pulled me in by my waist and stared into my eyes and smiled. I kissed him on the cheek.
"Good luck." I whispered in his ear. He kissed me on the forehead and winked at me and went on stage. I sat in the front row and made sure to cheer him on.


"So how was I?" He asked excitedly.
"Amazing as always." I said and smiled at him.
"I have something to tell you." He shut off the tv and turned to face me on the couch.
"You know that man in the suit who was sitting in the front? Well he's a producer. And.. He wants me to perform on his record label." He said.
"OMG! You're kidding right! AHH! WOAH! Lucas this is HUGE!" I said getting off the couch. Holding my hands up to my mouth.
"Yeah..." He said unimpressed
"Why do you seem upset?" I asked sitting back down.
"The producer.... He lives in France."

I Would Do Anything..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora