What She Did

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I kissed Lucas while we were standing waiting for the train. We got a few stares but I didn't care. He kept smiling which I thought was adorable.
"Okay. Okay." He said laughing. I grinned biting my lip. We got on the train and rode for a while. We listened to music and he showed me the song he wanted to show the producer. It was great. He was so talented. I put my hair in a French braid that went down to the small of my back. I was wearing jean shorts and floral black crop top and gladiator sandals. We were most likely going to go see my mom.
We got off the train and stopped at a drug store to get food. We both got Hershey bars and walked out.
"Damn. You look good." He said raising an eyebrow and biting his lower lip. I laughed and shoved his arm.
"Not bad yourself." I said. He was wearing a black v neck and jeans with black and red Jordans.
Once we were back in Westchester we swung by the cafe to check in.
"How was it?" Lauren asked. She was so short I couldn't help but laugh.
"Great." I said and smiled. Lucas was already talking to his friend Will.
"Did you hit that?" Lauren asked me.
"Oh my gawd. You should just date him." I said to her rolling my eyes and going behind the counter.
"Are you kidding. If I could, I would totally jump his bones but he's yours baby girl." She said.
"No he's not." I said wiping a few tables.
"Look over at him honey. He can't take his eyes off of you." I looked over to see Lucas staring at me while Will was talking to him. I blushed and saluted him. He saluted back and laughed. Will walked over to me and Lauren.
"Hey baby." Will said. Don't get me wrong. Will was hot.. I just didn't find him all that interesting. And plus, he was always hitting on me.
"Hey." I said.
"What's up?" He asked getting really close.
"Nothing that requires you to be this close." I said. He backed up with his hands raised in surrender. I laughed. He took my hand and spun me around and pulled me close as if we were dancing the salsa. I couldn't help but smile and he smiled back.
"What are you up to tonight?" He asked swinging his hand and mine back and forth while biting his lip and smiling.
"Nothing." I said. Lauren came and tapped on my shoulder.
"Not to barge in on your little moment.. But someone doesn't look too happy." She whispered. I looked over to see Lucas staring at me and Will with an "I'm gonna kill you" kind of vibe so I let go. Will looked at me and walked closer. I put my hand on his chests as a sign to back up but he didn't listen. Will got too close and before I could tell him to back up... He kissed me. It was a great kiss but I felt like I was betraying Lucas. And sure enough... Next thing I saw was Lucas storming out of the cafe.
"Ooh. You in troouubbbllee." Lauren sang giggling. I folded my arms and bit my lip to the side. I had to go get him.

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