The Shower of Falling Stars

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I couldn't stop staring at her. It was as if I had met her for the first time all over again. We looked at the drawings on the side of the cave and told the story from beginning to end to see how we could add on. She spoke with such fluency. She told the story as if it was a stream running through a meadow. I couldn't stop staring.
"Once there was a little girl. Sad and alone. Feeling like she was the only girl in the world. Her mother tried to love her as much as possible but it wasn't nearly enough to make her feel fulfilled. Her mother took her to a park to meet her best friend's son. They ran off and at that moment, knew that they were meant to be friends. The boy came from a family who spoke French. They had tons of money and lived in a large house. His parents were very much in love so this set a good example for their son. The girl however, had divorced parents so she never knew what true love meant until she found the boy. As they grew older, they grew closer and closer. Side by side through thick and thin. Their love for each other never wavered. The boy took her hand and they walked off into the sun. The end." She said and turned to look at me.
"You tell the story every time and always change it a little. Why do you do that?" I asked playing with her fingers.  She looked at the cave wall.
"A story is written to capture a special moment in ones life. But that moment comes from different perspectives. Like ones first kiss could be good for her.. But not exactly good for him. It's impossible to tell a story the exact same way each time because it's always changing. Or always adding different tones or perspectives." She said staring into my eyes. I swear I fall harder for her more and more each time she speaks. It was starting to get dark outside but that didn't mean anything for us. It just meant that we will be seeing more beauty. Most likely we were going to sleep in the cave tonight.
"Let's go." She said standing up and reaching her hand out. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.
"Where are we going?" I asked a little confused. We have only been to so many places here.
"Into the sun my love. Into the sun." She said trying to act poetic. I smiled and followed her.
"The sun is setting." I said while climbing up a bunch of rocks that lead out into the ocean. She was already sitting at the edge of the rocks and had her feet dangling in the water. She let her hair loose and threw her shoes behind her she picked a few daisies on the way here and put them in her hair and gave one to me. I sat next to her and stared out into the water.
"Let's watch the sun go down." She said.
"Okay." I said.
We just sat in silence for a while and it was beautiful. She looked over at me.
"You still have that necklace I gave you when we were 10." I said.
"You've never given me a reason to take it off." She said looking down at it. It was a dainty necklace that had a small silver plate at the bottom that said "sing."
"Remember why I gave it to you?" I asked.
"It was when I was getting bullied at school and you told me to speak up for myself. You said that the louder I spoke the more people would listen. But the people that were true to me, would listen when I whispered. And for years... I've been whispering to you." She lifted her head to look at me with nothing but sadness in her eyes.
I bit my lower lip and looked down. The sun was almost gone. That's when I thought back.
"The sun is never gone. It just goes away long enough for you to think. But when it's time to wake up.. The sun comes back... It will always come back."  I said quoting 12 year old T. She giggled. I smiled and scooted closer to her. She laid her head on my chest. She has done that since she was 2. She said it was because she liked to hear my heartbeat. I put my arm around her and kissed her head.
"You are my sun Lucas." My heart skipped a beat. I knew she felt it too because she shifted. I started playing with her hair. She sat up and sighed deeply. She stood up on the rock and lifted both of her arms as if she was the girl from Titanic. It was already black outside but the moon was shining light directly on her. The wind blew hard and blew her hair straight back. Her eyes were closed. I just sat down and stared at the water. She sat back down and looked up at the sky.
"There's a meteor shower tonight. Want to go see it?" She asked. Pretty excited.
"Sure." I said and smiled. I would fall off the face of the earth if she was going to. We walked back past the cave, thought the meadow near the steam until we got to a clearing. We laid down on the grass and looked up. I put my arms around her but she didn't move at all. She put her hair in a braid and placed her hands behind her head. I let go realizing she wanted to be left alone. We just stared out into the sky.
"I remember doing this three years ago when we were thirteen. You said that if you looked hard enough, you could see the planets." I said. She stayed silent. I didn't mind. We sat there and just stared at the stars. We had named one star "calypso" a while back because she said that it sounded like the word "collapse" and she liked that.
"There are so many stars. But we only pay attention to the ones that are the brightest. The ones that are dimmer are the ones that are farther away. Those are the best ones. The oldest ones. The wiser ones." She said. I didn't say anything. I just wanted to listen to her. Listen to her thoughts. She spoke of the first thing that popped into her head. One of the things I loved about her.
"I like to think that no matter how far away someone is... And no matter how much you miss them... We are all looking at the same star." I said.
She turned to look at me and she smiled. That smile that knew that our time was limited. Then we saw a star. And another one and another one after that. The shower of falling stars was starting.
"Make a wish." She said. I had only one wish. That I never wanted to lose this girl in my entire life. She was my everything.
She stood up and slowly walked to the sender of the clearing. She stood on top of a hill. The hill that she said you could speak directly to the universe from.
She gestured for me to come so I did. I stood on top of the hill where I held her and we both looked up at the sky. It was magical. She pulled away and held my hands and looked up.
"Universe, it's me. I have but one request from you today. If you take this boy from me and place him somewhere on this earth, far away.." Her breath was shaky. "..then promise me one thing. You make sure he finds his way back to me. Make sure that I see him again. Make sure that this isn't the end." She started to cry but carried on. "Because I will never be able to live with myself if you take him from me for good. I have never loved someone so much in my life. Please. Just make sure he finds his way back to me." I started tearing up. I looked down at her. She stared deep into my eyes. So deep that I could feel it in my heart. I kissed her. She was about to pull away but I didn't let her. I didn't want to leave.

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